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The Relationship Of Emotional Intelligence, Self-identity And Internet Addiction Research

Posted on:2012-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330335458461Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Internet is one of the most typical signs in the twenty-first-information-age. The use of internet has become an indispensable part of our modern life. With the development of network,internet addiction(abbreviated as IA)invades the campus day by day as a kind of phenomenon, such questions as the study, life and health of university students, etc, which have brought very great negative effect. So cyber psychology becomes a new perspective can not be ignored. Internet addiction is to be the hot spot issue, which concerns about mental health of university students.Self-identity is a key subject of adolescence, psychological social development, students in universities are undergoing the key period of self-identity or "critical days". In hence, impact on IA has important theory meaning to study the self-identity (the central self-regulation and control system in this personality). Considering the important influences of self-identity and emotional intelligence to one person, at the background of previous studies focused on the phenomenon of internet addiction, that emotional intelligence and self-identity were choosed as the influence factors of IA, then discussing the influences of the two factors of internet addiction mechanism is important to help university students solving mental confusion, reducing their internet addiction tendency and improving their mental health level.This study investigated 795 college students come from four universities, used questionnaire to explored the relationship of emotional intelligence, self-identity and internet addiction. The SPSS 17.0 and LISREL8.70 statistical software package are used to process data. Besides, emotional intelligence and self-identity, as well as the relationship of these variables are analyzed and the variable relationships are studied, which improve that emotional intelligence has prediction function of self-identity on internet addiction. That self-identity has mediating effects between motional intelligence and internet addiction tendency is improved by established models. The conclusions were as follows:1. Among the 795 college students through the Internet Addiction Survey, we found that the number of internet addiction is 40, which accounts 5.03% of the total number. This ratio is basically accordant with recent investigation ratio about the incidence of IA. The general Characteristics of internet addiction are:IA demonstrates extremely obvious gender difference by Chi-Square Test, the number of IA of boy students exceeds the girl students remarkably; there is obvious difference between arts and sciences in internet addiction. The number of IA of sciences students exceeds the arts students remarkably. The grade distribution of university students on IA has a very remarkable difference, and is unbalanced in distribution. According to incidence of every grade IA. the score of IA of seniors and juniors exceeds the freshman. The score of IA of seniors exceeds the sophomores remarkably.2. The general characteristics of self-identity of university students:The university students' self-identity demonstrates extremely obvious gender differences, by Chi-Square Test, the score of girl students self-identity exceeds the boy students'remarkably. The university students' self-identity doesn't have significant differences between students who learned arts and science. On the four grades, the emotional intelligence of university students doesn't have significant differences.3. The general characteristics of emotional intelligence:emotional intelligence demonstrates that it has extremely obvious gender differences, and the Score of emotional intelligence of girl students exceeds the boy students remarkably. Besides emotional intelligence doesn't have significant differences between students who learned arts and science. The university students' emotional intelligence has a significant difference in grade distribution. The score of freshman's emotional intelligence exceeds the juniors remarkably.4. The university students'emotional intelligence has significant negative effects on IA, it also has significant negative predictive effect. The college students'self-identity has significant negative effects on IA, it also has significant negative predictive effect.5. The emotional intelligence of college students has a significant correlation with self-identity.6. The self-identity of college students partly plays a mediating effect between emotional intelligence and internet addiction.
Keywords/Search Tags:mental health, emotional intelligence, self-identity, internet addiction, college student
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