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Language In The Text Of The Document Of Modern Russian And Chinese Foreign Affairs Given The Type And Mode Of Study,

Posted on:2012-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Viktoryia Vashkevich W KFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330335454488Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theme of the Master's Thesis is "linguistic formulas and language models of Russian Legal Texts to the Chinese Language and vice versa". The peculiarities of the translation of Russian legal texts to the Chinese language were analyzed in the Thesis.The actuality of the research was determined by the relations of the language and the law. The language of the law is an inseparable part of the law system with its traditions, logic peculiarities and functions. The concepts of the law can be expressed only through the language. The language is the only tool of lawyer's work. On the one hand, it should be general in order to guarantee the universality of notions in the law system. On the other hand, it should be applied for different purposes, i.e. in different spheres of legal activity. The review of scientific literature is presented in the Thesis; the spheres of the language and the law contacts and basic principles of the law linguistics are determined. The comparative analysis done on the basis of the Russian, Chinese, Belarusian, Kazakhstan, Germ and other foreign scientific works (with references to the 6 Agreements between China and Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan as well (Joint Declaration, Joint Communique, agreement on joint cooperation and so on).The analysis of language characteristics is made based on a comparatively detailed corpus and data in aspects of vocabulary, morphology, word formation, syntax and text. The contrasted analysis in vocabulary is made on application characteristics of words with stylistic meaning, spoken words, borrowed words, and archaic words between Russian and Chinese languages. The contrasted analysis in morphology and word formation is made on application characteristics of nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, compound words and abbreviations. The contrasted analysis in syntax is made on application characteristics of simple sentences and complex sentences. In addition, the analysis is made by contrast on characteristics of text titles, cohesive devices, and form of official document in administrative document style in Russian and Chinese languages. By contrasting language characteristics between Russian and Chinese languages, the paper analyses translation strategies of words and sentences in Russian-Chinese translation. It is an attempt to enrich the research on Russian and Chinese rhetoric contrasts, promoting the theoretical and practical study in this field.The analysis of research results showed that the lexica-semantic variants of words were translated with absolute notional equivalence. Partial notional equivalence was used when translating the terms and abbreviations. The translation of the international agreements for avoiding any countries misunderstanding needs to be:accurate, clear, sufficient and definite.
Keywords/Search Tags:legal linguistics, legal translation, language model, language formula
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