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Han, Wei Advocated Solitude

Posted on:2012-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ShenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In traditional Chinese music, wind and drum music is one of the most important musical genres, which has made considerable development in Han and Wei dynasties. This thesis tries to analyze and study the issues existing in the study of wind and drum music of Han and Wei dynasties from three aspects: origin, categories and content of wind and drum music.Although some achievement is gained from the study of wind and drum music of Han and Wei dynasties, many issues remain unsolved. This thesis aims to supplement and further develop previous research results by exploring neglected materials in ancient works or by pointing out others'mistaken ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han and Wei Dynasties, wind and drum music, origin, category, content, music
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