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Haruki Murakami In China Translation And Research

Posted on:2011-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330332459435Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It has been 30 years since Haruki Murakami published his maiden work Hear The Wind Sing in 1979 as an author ; It has been 20 years since the Chinese readers became familiar with Haruki Murakami's works since 1989 when Norwegian Wood first published by Lijiang Press. In the historical conception of literary works especially classic literary works, popularity of 30 years or 20 years is not very impressive. However, it is exactly in these two or three decades that Murakami's influence has expanded widely at a surprising rate and formed the so-called"Murakami Phenomenon"(or"Murakami fever"). As a neighborhood of Japan, China is naturally influenced by"Murakami fever".In two decades, there are obvious characteristics of the times in the translation and introduction and reception studies of Murakami influenced by multiple elements such as society and economy. Considering the scarcity of the same research subjects in China currently, this thesis is trying to make systematic analyses of all of the translation and researching findings of Murakami's from 1980s till now, through which to look at how is Haruki Murakami's works treated from being popular tasted to be oriented as classics.This thesis consists of five parts. Questions about Haruki Murakami are raised in the introduction which also tells us the research progress of domestic and foreign similar subjects and study methods. Chapter1 is about Haruki Murakami's translation and introduction. Starting from the concept of paratext and combining the elements of cultural context, publishing policy, information society and so on, this chapter depicts the translation and introduction in three periods that is from 1980s,1990s to 2000s.Chapter 2 is the reception studies of Haruki Murakami. The most popular key words of the reception studies of Haruki Murakami are refined on the integration of the existing study achievements. The neglected and marginalized reception studies of Haruki Murakami are further summarized and supplemented. Besides, this chapter also summarizes the research findings of Lin Shaohua that is the most famous translator of the works of Haruki Murakami. Chapter 3 depicted separately the debating of the Chinese version of Haruki Murakami which has got a lot of media attention in recent years. Dialectical relations between the debating and"Haruki Murakami fever"are inspected from the levels of translator and translation, which can be seen as the innovation part of the thesis. The conclusion argues that all factors influencing the translation and introduction and reception studies of Murakami are interactive, and they can not be departed absolutely.
Keywords/Search Tags:Haruki Murakami, Translation And Introducation, Recpection Studies, Shaohua Lin, Debating
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