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Grape Seed Extraction And Separation Of The Chemical Composition And Structure Identification

Posted on:2009-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Grape seed is seed of grape.In recent years,many reports that grape seed have a high nutritional value and medical purposes in the United States,Japan and other countries.It has been exploited many kinds health food and medicine.However,research on grape seed in our country has just begun,so grape seed has a broader space.In this issue on the basis of previous studies,using supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction of grape seed oil,the impact of the rate of extraction process parameters for a single-factor test and orthogonal test to determine the best extraction process.To extract protein and proanthocyanidins from grape seed,single-factor test and orthogonal test have been used then determine the best extraction process.By ultraviolet - visible Determination of the protein and the content of procyanidins.At the same time we have on grape seed polyphenols in the comiposition of the study,the application of macroporous resin of their initial separation on the basis of polyamide by column chromatography,silica gel chromatography,and other means of four isolated A single compound,under constant physical and chemical identification and determination,combined with MS,UV,IR,NMR spectroscopy,etc.,were identified as the hydroxy-benzoic acid,gallic acid,catechin and oleanolic acid.The topics to study and explore a grape seed extract from the oil components,proteins and polyphenols components of the scientific feasibility of the technology route,as well as grape seeds and herbs standard-setting quality standards related to the development of agents to provide a scientific Basis for more in-depth exploration of the effectiveness of grape seed components laid the foundation.
Keywords/Search Tags:grape seed, chemical composition, extraction and eparation, identification
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