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Explore The Role Of Acupuncture Tune Of God In The Treatment Of Neurodermatitis

Posted on:2010-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E M AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360272494807Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Neurodermatitis(ND) is a localized eczematous skin disease,that is presumed to be psychogenic,and is also known as Lichen simplex chronicus(LSC) or Lichen Vidal.It is a common chronic disorder,characterized by a well-demarcated circumscribed plaque of lichen with scaling and intense itching. ND has long evolution with high incidence of recidivation.Actual etiology is still unclear,but evidence of closely related neuropsychic factors can be found.According to clinical observation,the majority of patients with ND suffer from dizziness,insomnia,irritability, anxiety and other stress related symptoms.Reduction of stress related symptoms usually comes together with ND improvement,indicating the close link between pathogenesis and cerebral cortex inhibition and the excitement dysfunction. Intense itching is the main symptom of ND.According to Chinese Medicine(TCM), itching being a subjective symptom,it is connected to "heart and mind".Since the 70s,acupuncture has been widely used in the treatment of ND,there is major progress with steady therapeutic results,and the emergence of various techniques,such as moxibustion,cupping,scalp acupuncture,catgut embedding, electroacupuncture,point-injection and bloodletting.Recent extended clinical use of acupuncture has shown a tendency of integration of different techniques with tapping being the main method.Despite satisfactory results with TCM and acupuncture,recidive incidence is still high.Professor Zhao Jiping,with over twenty years of clinical work and research in the treatment of skin disorders,has demonstrated the relevance of associating psychological treatment and TCM regulation of mind and spirit("Tiao Shen") to acupuncture main stream therapy.Overall clinical results are clearly indicating the prevalence of acupuncture in treating ND.Acupuncture protocol in ND treatment:1) Local:"surrounding transverse needling" or blood letting with seven-star needle(plum-blossom needle),in order to stimulate the meridian flow,activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis,eliminate the heat,increase the local blood supply and promote pathogen expulsion.2) Needling Fengchi(GB 20),Quchi(LI 11) and Xuehai(SP 10) for their action of wind expulsion obtained by blood nourishment.According to TCM:"to treat the wind one must first treat the blood" and "when blood is regulated,meridian flow is restored". 3) Mental and emotional regulation:Shenmen(HT 7),Sishencong(EX-HN 1) and Sanyinjiao(SP 6).Hand-shaoyin meridian belongs to the heart,which "houses the mind" and "is in charge of mental activities",and Shenmen being the heart Source point,can regulate mental activity,calm and stabilize the mind,and is the major anxiolytic acupoint.Sishencong is an Extra point with effective sedative action.Sanyinjiao is a crossing point for foot-yin meridians;it can regulate and tonify Qi and blood,and can restore the nutritive supply to heart, thus being indicated to mental conditions.In recent TCM theory neurodermatitis is been described as a psychosomatic condition.Psychological and somatic factors,both present in ND,act as alternating causes that result in recurrent skin condition.Acupuncture therapy has shown a major regulating action on both psychological state and somatic functions,it is therefore indicated in the treatment of ND,putting an end to the psychosomatic cycle.
Keywords/Search Tags:Neurodermatitis, acupuncture, regulation of mind and spirit
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