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Sini San Relevant Literature And Its Application In The Field Of Diabetes

Posted on:2009-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360245457151Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sinisan comes from 318 provision of the treatise on febrile diseases,which is arranged at Shaoyin Diseases of the original text . doctors in different dynasties hadve been arguing it for a long time.This prescription has been using very videly.It can cure many diseases belong to different areas,such as internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics and andrology.Many scholars have been studying on it,and the curative effects are satisfactory.But they didn't duscuss it excectly what are diagnostic indexes about Sinisan.And for the TCM learner ,they don't know how to use a prescription rather than know it,that is to say,they don't know the symptom standards about Sinisan.In order to solve this problem,we should study the proved cases about Sinisan,discover some regularities and make the symptom standards about it.In the department of literature review,we make a summary of Sinisan about location of disease, etiology and pathogenesis, chief symptom ,and efficiency,and we discussed it one by one.We expround our views about it. it is a recipe that has the effect of soothing the liver and regulating qi.We also make a literature review about clinical applications and experimental researches.And discuss some problems that exist now.In the department of proved cases research,we select 210 proved cases about Sinisan that are reported whether in China or other lands,in ancient times or today. We did a statistical analysis ofgeneral conditions, symptoms, tongues and pulses,and we draw a conclutiong about diagnostic indexes of Sinisan,that is, abdominal pain, abdominal distension,Thoracoflank pain, nausea and vomiting, eructation, pantothenic acid, chest distress, hypodynamia,bittertasteinthemouth,mouthdryness,lossofappetite,yellowpee,constipation,ordiarrhea,insomnia,red tongue,wiry pulse.General dosage of drugs are like this,bupleurum root 6-15g,white peony root 9-30g,citrs aurantium 6-15g,glycyrrhiza 3-9g.The modified drugs almost have the effect of soothing the liver and regulating qi,in most of the cases,they act on liver and spleen organ.Sinisan can treat most of digestive system and painful diseaseas.It is used frequently in spring and summer.In the third part,we discuss the use of Sinisan in diabetes mellitus fields.The treatment of DM by Sinisan embodies the academic thoughts about treating DM through liver organ in TCM.In this part,we described theoremic origin,modern research,clinic application about it.andwe drawaconclusionthatliverorgan has very important effect on pathogenesis,evolution of pathogenesis and prognosis of DM.The treatment of liver organ is a very importang link on treating DM.Sinisan is a recipe that have the effect of soothing the liver and regulating it plays a importang role in DM fields.At last we discuss the experience of professor Hong Xingzhong,Lv Renhe and Zhao Jinxi about using Sinisan to treat DM.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sinisan, diagnostic indexes, literature, medical cases, DM, clinical application
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