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Ear The Name And Location Standardization Literature

Posted on:2009-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360245456961Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study reviews and puts in order to the literature of auricular point from the perspective of the standardization process of the Auricular nomenclature and location, and amend "National Standards——The Nomenclature and Location of Auricular Points" (hereinafter referred to as "Auricular GB"), in accordance with the election principles and standard rules.This article consists of three parts:The First Part: Review. Through the collection and analysis of the literatures of Chinese auricular name and location, it showed that from the ancient to the early 1980s, the system of auricular name and location experienced from casual to ordered, simplifying the complex process, and just at this time, the "Auricular Standardization Draft" and later the" Auricular GB "were the need to conform to the development of internal discipline and standardization of the international trend of the time. After the "Auricular GB" experienced in the implementation and clinical testing for more than 10 years, it still had a wide range of academic representation, and it's necessary and valuable to continue to implement.On the other hand, following review the development of the auricular nomenclature and location, guiding ideology and location methods of the French auricular system, it shows that one of the important factors caused differences between Chinese and French auricular systems is the difference from two guiding ideology . Under the present circumstances, we should continue to improve the"Auricular GB"from our own ear acupuncture practice needs ,and which will be the theme of the "Auricular GB" amendments in a period of time from now on.The Second Part: Amendment of the "Auricular GB". The literatures of Chinese auricular name and location before the "Auricular GB" shows that the standard has formed the basis of criteria and academic representation, which is in line with the requirements of the standard formulation. According to the whole situation of the implementation, the standard has played an exchange platform role, and supplies an instrument for the beginner. Furthermore, from the perspective of the standardized forms and the principle of naming the terms, it indicates the rationality of the standard name and election principle. Then in accordance with the principle mentioned above, it selects and differentiates the new auricular names appearing after the practice of the "Auricular GB" .It also adjusts the order of the terms and the definition according to the standard rules.Considering the nature of voluntary standards of the "Auricular GB", as well as non-standard Auricular name used for a longer history, the paper merge the non-standard Auricular name under the items of the standard Auricular name, which in order to promote the generalization of the "Auricular GB"and promot the development of ear acupuncture further more.The Third Part: Discussion and Conclusions. The "Auricular GB" has the basis of the standard formulation and the broad academic representation. It is a product of the development of ear acupuncture, as well, it is a tool which is suited to the need of Chinese ear acupuncture practice. As the process of the standard-drafting rules and the development of the ear acupuncture subject, this standard is still need to be further improved. Because of the differences between the Chinese auricular system and the French auricular system in the auricular distribution, it still needs great efforts to formulate a unified integrity of the international standards of auricular points for a long period of time.This study reveals the development landscape of auricular nomenclature and location from the perspective of standardization for the first time, provides supports for the creation of the standard "Auricular GB", makes a framework for the improvement of it, and gives some recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Auricular point, Auricular nomenclature, Auricular location, Standard, Standardization
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