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Pathogenesis And Treatment Of Cardiac Syndrome X Research Progress

Posted on:2006-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360155961120Subject:Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cardiac syndrome X encompasses heterogeneous groups of individuals who present with typical exertional angina pectoris, positive results during exercise and normal coronary arteries on angiography. Nowadays it remains unclear that the mechanisms are responsible for the episodes of angina pectoris in patients with cardiac syndrome X. A large number of clinical research show angina pectoris may be caused by transient myocardial ischemia. Reduced coronary blood flow reserve caused by coronary microvascular dysfunction is considered as the major reason of myocardial ischemia. And coronary microvascular dysfunction may be caused by endothelial dysfunction, low-grade systemic inflammation, estrogen deficiency, insulin resistance, abnormal coronary microvascular spasm, coronary microvascular remodeling and so on. Additional reasons such as abnormal pain perception, psychologic disorders and autonomic nervous systerm imbalance may contribute to the pathogenesis of angina pectoris in patients with cardiac syndrome X. Although prognosis of patients with cardiac syndrome X is good regarding survival, they have a severely impaired quality of life because of the frequent episodes of angina pectoris. As a result, treatment of cardiac syndrome X should be mainly directed towards improving quality of life. Understanding the mechanism underlying the condition is of vital importance for patient management.Recently the development of considerable basic and clinical research has resulted in further comprehension about the pathophysiological of cardiac syndrome X. It has supplied theoretic evidence for the therapeutic strategies more available. This review summarizes the new development of pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment of cardiac syndrome X and emphasizes the conception of tranditional Chinese Medicine to it.
Keywords/Search Tags:cardiac syndrome X, pathophysiological mechanism, treatment, tranditional Chinese Medicine
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