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Lacunar Infarction Cognitive Impairment Syndromes Primary Research

Posted on:2006-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360152988614Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective⑴Selecting the patients with Lacunar Infarction (LI) and LI CognitiveImpairment, contrast researches are studied with the characters anddistributing features of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)syndromes of the LI and LI Cognitive Impairment.⑵The basis of study of the LI Cognitive Impairment will be discussedto find the risk factors of the causes of the disease so as to provideobjective foundations to establish a method to prevent and treat throughthe use of TCM.Methods All the patients observed were at the Dong Fang clinic and ward.This experiment was performed according to established diagnosisstandards of TCM and Western Medicine; acceptance and exclusionstandards are formulated in combination with other accessorial scales.The observation group contained 30 cases of LI Cognitive Impairment and30 cases of LI without Cognitive Impairment. These two groups areanalyzed based on a number of factors including but are not limited togender,age and hypertension; at the same time, through the use ofassessment score scales and symptomatic observation the case studyestablishes and adopts uniform case-reporting tables. The casestandards include the following:① The diagnosis standards of the LI references from the amended bookof The Outlines of Various Cerebral Vascular Diseases in the FourthNational Academic Conference about cerebral vascular diseases by theChina Medical Committee 1995 edition.②The general assessment of thecognitive functions references from the assessment of the DSM- Ⅳ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Ⅳ ) incombination with the CDR(Clinical Dementia Rating Scale),the MMSE (MiniMental State Examination ) and the GDS(General Degeneration Scale).③All kinds of the sub-item assessment social functional activities anddaily life ability references from BBS(Blessed Behavior Score ).④Theassessment standards of the degree of the nervous functional deficiencyreferences from the NIHSS(National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale).⑤ The assessment of depressed state references from HAMD(HamiltonDepression Scale) ⑥ Defining the cognitive impairment of vesselpathogen references from the Hachinski's Ischaemic score. ⑦ Thesymptomatology observation in TCM lay on the basis of the formulateduniform observation tables of the scientific research on symptomatologyof LI Cognitive Impairment. All the above clinical and experimental research data are analyzedwith the application of the SPSS12.0 statistics software.Results The hospitalized clinic patients during the clinical observationphase totaled 60 cases including 30 cases in the LI "Observation Group"and 30 cases in the LI with Cognitive Impairment "Contrast Group".Through data processing of the observation outcome, the research of thetwo patient groups resulted in the following:(1) The incident conditions of the LI Cognitive Impairment show the ratio1:1 of men to women, that the incidence rate is highest among ages 70 ~79 ,and fairly moderate among ages 60 ~ 69, and secondarily is the agesof 80 ~ 90.The time for the occurrence of the cognitive impairment ofLacunar Infarction is different respectively; this onset may be suddenor insidious with periodic aggravation and is always accompanied withhypertension in this case history. The ischemia index of the cognitiveimpairment is more than 7, which is in accordance with the boundary valueof the cognitive deficits of vessel disease. In the Observation Group,the NIHSS assessment scores does not significantly different(P<0.05)from the Control Group, except in the HAMD and especially in the MMSEand BBS(P<0.01).(2) With the ratio 1:1 of Mono- LI to Poly- LI, the most predilectionsites of the LI are the basal section, secondarily is the corona radiate,the thalamus and the cerebral lobe. Even the Mono-LI may cause cognitiveimpairment but the volume of most focus (80%)is less than 10ml.Compared with the left group or the bilateral groups of the focus, theright focus group is significantly different in the assessment scoreof attention ability and calculation ability in MMSE(P<0.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lacunar Infarction, Cognitive Impairment, Risk Factors, Symptomatology
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