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Stroke, Accident And Emergency Clinical Dialectical Literature

Posted on:2005-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360122990708Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Stroke is a common and frequently happened disease in clinic which requires us to make early management by combining use of the methods of both traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and western medicine as the key to lower the mortality and disability rate. To study clinical manifestations is essential for TCM to study this disease.There is some deviation in the treatment by differentiation using TCM theories and Modern studies in the emergent period of stroke.This article analyzed the correlations among the cause of the disease, the site of the disease, the characters of the disease, the tendency of the disease, the manifestations of the disease and the constitution of the patient based on the theory that the cause of the disease acts on the sites of the disease to form some determined characters of the disease which have some determined tendency of the disease. This article analyzed the main points of differentiation and the understanding of the designation of diseases through studying the phylogeny of stroke emergency manifestations, the archaic literatures and the comparison of neoteric literatures and modern literatures. This article studied the methods and ways of thinking of the differentiation for stroke emergency form multiple point of view. From the analysis and the study, it can be concluded that the cause of disease, the site of disease, the characters of the disease, the tendency of the disease, the designation of the disease and the constitution of the patient should be made clear as the main points for clinical differentiation of stroke emergency. Only by this can we master the essence of the differentiation of stroke emergency having affirmative significance for the standardization of differentiation and the combination of differential diagnosis and differentiation.
Keywords/Search Tags:stroke emergency, differentiation, the cause of disease, the characters of the disease, the site of the disease, the tendency of the disease, the constitution of the patient
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