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Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Coronary Angiography In Patients With Coronary Heart Disease Characteristics

Posted on:2003-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360092496137Subject:Internal Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
prefacePatients with diabetes mellitus have a higher prevalence of coro-nary atherosclerosis than the general population. The reported preva-lence of coronary artery disease in diabetic patients ranges from 9.5% to 55% ,whereas prevalences of 1. 6% to 4. 1% have been observed in the general population. Most studies think that the higher prevalence in diabetic patients is relevant to the gathering of many cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic patients than the general population. Neverthe-less, Studies of recent years show that diabetic patients have signifi-cant abnormalities in their hematologic, rheologic and metabolic sys-tems that may increase their risk for coronary atherosclerosis. But the reported results of the angioscopic examination of coronary arterial le-sions in diabetic and nondiabetic patients are different. So we re-viewed the angiographic findings of hospitalized patients with coronary artery disease from January , 1998 to February, 2002 and investigated the clinical characteristics and the angiographic findings in patients with coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus.Patient SelectionPatients who were diagnosed coronary heart disease according to coronary angiography were selected between January, 1998 and Febru-ary, 2002. Coronary heart disease was defined as, according to WHO Standard in 1979: the myocardial injury was caused by the imbalance between coronary blood flow and myocardial requirement due to the change of coronary circulation; was caused by the coronary arterialstenosis. Patient had a ≥50% reduction in lumen diameter as meas-ured by electronic calipers in at least one view in two major epicardial coronary arteries suitable for coronary angiography.Diabetic group ( type 2 diabetes with coronary heart disease) ; there were 36 patients, male-. 26 patients, female; 10 patients, the mean age (years) 58. 1 ?.9. Diabetic was defined as, according to WHO standard in 1985 : free blood glucose ≥7. 8 mmol/L, in at least twice measurements. All of the selected diabetic patients had type 2 diabetes mellitus.The above thirty - six patients were further divided into two fol-lowing subgroups. Diabetic with hypertension group; there were 20 pa-tients. Who all had primary hypertension, systolic pressure > 140mmHg and/or diastolic pressure >95mmHg. Diabetic Without hy-pertension group: there were 16patients. Whose systolic pressure was small than 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure was small than 90mmHg.Control group: of 62 randomized patients from over 200 coronary heart disease patients without diabetic, male.- 47patients, female: 15 patients, the mean age ( years) : 57. 6 ?1.5.Methods1 To analyse the differences in age. sex. coronary risk factors ex-cept for diabetic mellitus (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia. smok-ing, family history of coronary heart disease) and incidence of myocar-dial infarction between the groups, the prevalence of culprit lesion be-tween the groups.2. Coronary angiography was performed in every patient with the use of Judkins. The condition of culprit lesion location was described according to the coronary angioscopic findings.3 . The condition of culprit lesion location was described accord-ing to the coronary angioscopic findings between both subgroups of di-abetic.4. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) : was measured by left ventriculography. There were 15 patients of diabetic group, 11 pa-tients of control group.5 Statistics: differences between groups were analyzed by Student s t test for continuous variables and the ^2 test for categorical varia-bles.Results1 . The clinical presentation of both groups. No statistical differ-ences were found in age, sex, coronary risk factors except for diabetic mellitus (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia. smoking, family histo-ry of coronary heart disease) and incidence of myocardial infarction be-tween the groups.2 . The angiography characteristics of both groups. Diabetic pa-tients had a higher prevalence of the culprit lesion (64. 8% versus...
Keywords/Search Tags:coronary arterial disease, type 2 diabetic mellitus, coronary angiography.
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