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On China's Health System Reform

Posted on:2002-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032456811Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The synopsis of the paperThe refOrmation of the medical and health system is of vitalimPortance to the irnmediate interacts of the masses of the people and tothe continuous. healthy development of medical and health cause of ourcoUntry. It is the imPortant content of the reformation of admnistr8tionsystem in our country. Before the Practice of the Reformallon andOpening Policy,our medical and health system was establishedaccording to the pattem of the system of planned economy and therewere man malpractices in it. The difficulies of going to see doctors,being hosPitalized and being operated becam the social Problems whichcould not be solved for a very long time. After the practice of theReformation and Opening Policy, a series of reformation about themedical and health system has been done and a certain achievement hasbeen made in our country. However, with the develoPment of thesocialist market economy, the steps of medical and health reformationbecome relatively backWard. The contradictions of medical and healthsystem existing in the deeP levels are increasingly revealed day by day,and it is more and moe difficult to meet the need in the develoPment ofthe socialist market economy. The aim of ths paPer is mainly to analyzethe problem existing in the medical and health system in our country,and on this basis,by using the adVanced experience of management ofother countries for reference, and by combining with the practicalconditions of the public health reformation and develpoment, theorientation and countermeasures of further deePening the reformation ofthe medical and health system is suggested.Ths paPer is consisted of five partsPart I: The historical process of the footion and development ofmedical and health system in our country.Part II: The formation of our medical and health system since theReformation and Opening Policy' Part III f The present main problems of the medical and healthtw system~ Part IV; The comParaive study of the medical and health systemsin different countries.Pall V: The oriefltation and collfler-measures of deeping thereformation of the medical and health system..-2 - -...
Keywords/Search Tags:China', s
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