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Electrochemiluminescence New System And Its Application In Pharmaceutical Analysis

Posted on:2001-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360002950081Subject:Analytical Chemistry
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Two parts, review and research report, are included in this thesis.The Chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence and their application inpharmaceutical analysis is reviewed in the first part.The research report is focused on the study of two novel electrogeneratedchemiluminescence systems and their application in pharmaceutical analysis. 1. Chemiluminscence Determination of Quinine Using on-lineElectrogenerated Cobalt(Ⅲ) as oxidant.A novel chemiluminescence(CL) flow system for the determination of quinineis described: It is based on the direct CL reaction of quinine and Co(Ⅲ) in sulfuricacid medium. The unstable Co(Ⅲ) was on-line electrogenerated by constant currentelectrolysis. The CL intensity was linear with quinine concentration in the range of0. 1 - 100μg/mL. The determination limit was 3.3 × 10-8g/mL, The whole process couldbe completed in 1 min with a relative standard deviation of less than 5%, Theproposed method is suitable for automatic and continuous analysis and has beenapplied successtully to the analysis of quinine in pharmaceutical preparation.2. Chemiluminscence Determination of Pipemidic acid Using on-lineElectrogenerated Cobalt(III) as oxidant.A novel CL flow system for the determination of pipemidic acid is described. Itis based on the direct CL reaction of pipemidic acid and Co(Ⅲ) in sulfuric acidmedium. The unstable Co(Ⅲ) was on-line electrogenerated by constant currentelectrolysis. The CL intensity was linear with pipemidic acid concentration in therange of 0.01-100μg/mL. The determination limit was 3.3 × 10-9g/mL. The wholeprocess could be completed in 1 min with a relative standard deviation of 3.2%, Theproposed method is suitable for automatic and continuous analysis and has beenapplied successfully to the analysis of pipemidic acid in pharmaceutical preparation.3. Chemiluminscence Determination of getamycin Using on-lineElectrogenerated Cobalt(Ⅲ) as oxidant.A novel CL flow system for the determination of getamycin is described. It isbased ol1 tl1e direct CL reactiol1 of getamycin a11d Co(l1I) il1 s[llftlric acid 111editII11.Tlle III1stab1e Co(IlI) was ol1-Iil1e eIectroge11erated by co11stal1t ctlrrent electroIysis.11le CL i11te11sity was 1il1ear witl1 getan1ycin co11ce11tration in tI1e ral1ge of 0.01-80pg/lllL.The determination 1imit was 0.005pg/mL, The wl1o1e process cou1d beco[llp1eted i11 l min witll a reIative standard deviation of less tl1an 5%, Tl1e proposedlnetf1od is suitabIe for auton1atic a11d conti11uous al1aIysis and l1as been app1iedsuccesslillIy to tI1e anaIysis ofgetamycin i11 l)11ar111aceuticaI prel)aratio11.' 4. Cllell1iIlll11iIlsceIlce Detel.l1liIlatioIl of Dex:IIllclII;lsoIle S()tIilllIlI)ll()sI)Ililte Usil1g oIl-IiIle Electl'ogellerated Col)aIt(I l I) as oxid;11lt.A llovel CL flow syste111 tbr tI1e deterli1il1atio11 of is descl.ibe(l. It is based ol1 t11edirect C[; reacti()11 of Dexa111etl1asol1e Sodit1111 pl1osphate al1(l Co(lll) il1 sulftlric acidlllediul11. 'I'I1e ul1stabIe Co(lll) was on-1ine electrogellerate(1 by cot1stallt currentelectroIysis. Tl1e CL i11tel1sity was linear with Dexan1ethasolle Sodiul11 l)l1ospl1ateconcentratio11 in tl1e range of l-20lng/L.T11e detern1ination li111it was 3.2 X l0-'g/mL,The wllole process could be co111pleted in l min with a reIative stal1dard deviation ofIess tl1an 5%. TI1e proposed metI1od is suitable fOr automatic and continuous analysisal1d 11as been applied stIccessfulIy to tI1e al1aIysis of DexaIl1etI1asol1e SoditImp1losPlla1e il1 l)l1arl11ace[ltical pre[1aratiol1.5. CIlenlillllllillscCllce Deter111iIlatioll of c8I)t()I)I'il [jsillg ()Il-lil1ef:Icctl.()geIlel'atc(l siIvel.(I I) as oxi(IaIlt.A lloveI ('I. I1()w syste111 fOr tl1e deterIl1iIlatiol1 of caI)I()l)l'iI is (Iescril)c( isbase(l (11l tl1e direct CL reactiol1 of captopril al1d Ag(lI) i[1 11itric aci(I I11editlI11. 1'lleullstat1le Ag(1l) was OI1-Iil1e eIectrogenerated by co11stant ctlrl'el1t elect...
Keywords/Search Tags:Electrochemiluminescence
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