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High-tech Industries In China R & D Investment Study

Posted on:2011-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360305998314Subject:World Economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, high-tech industry is among one of the highest opening to the world and MNCs always play a leading role in the development of Chinese high-tech industry. In recent years, R&D investment of MNCs in Chinese high-tech industry has been increased a lot. This not only helps to promote the whole industry development in China but also brings large competition and challenges to domestic companies. Therefore, how to understand and properly judge R&D investments of high-tech MNCs in China is very significant to the whole development of the industry. This paper uses qualitative and quantitative methods to introduce the development route, status and characteristics about the R&D investments of high-tech MNCs in China, and further deeply analyze its motives, industrial distribution, location choice, influential mechanism and spillovers. This paper also provides some suggestions to government and domestic companies accordingly.R&D globalization becomes more and more trendy these years and thus research related to this area attract much more attention too. However papers focusing on single industry are still very few. This paper comes to some conclusions that apply to high-tech industry by empirical analysis, case study and comparison methods. The paper finds out MNCs play an important role in the development of high-tech industry in China; The R&D investments in China becomes more and more important in the total R&D system globally of MNCs; R&D localization is high and there are various structural organization of R&D according to different R&D planning strategy. The R&D contents also are transferring from mainly applied R&D type to more basic R&D type; The paper finds out that motives of R&D investment in high-tech industry includes realizing corporate global strategy, supporting local production and sales, large Chinese market, advanced technology and excellent talent, good R&D environment and welcome government policy; As for the sub-industrial distribution, electronics and telecommunications account for large proportion while healthcare has a large development potential; The location choice of high-tech R&D is quite centralized in areas where have good economic, industrial, technological and policy base; As for influential mechanism, there are mainly 2 routes from MNCs R&D to Chinese domestic companies:technology effect and competition effect. Overall, there are obvious spillovers from high-tech MNCs R&D investment to domestic companies. In order to compete with MNCs better, Chinese domestic high-tech companies should improve both absorbing ability and self-creative ability.Finally, the paper provides some suggestions for government and companies which are from three aspects: how to encourage R&D investment of MNCs in high-tech industry, how to improve domestic companies R&D and how to maximize MNCs R&D's spillovers to China.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-tech industry, MNC, R&D
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