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Study Of Sme Debt Legal Issues

Posted on:2009-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H LiuFull Text:PDF
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The small and middle-sized business plays an important role in the economy of every country and is the major constituent of social market economy of China. However the small and middle-sized business is most unstable economic group for the entering into and exit from the market as the result of the heavy loan causing into bankrupt. As for this, the scholar has gradually upon how to deal with the debt of small and middle-sized business. The writer, on the foundation of research on the domestic and foreign business, makes the definition and scope of the small and middle-sized business and analyzed its nature and essence in the angle of law, so as to find out the reason for the debt of small and middle-sized business. Emphasizing upon the complete analysis the drawbacks of small and middle-sized business and the current legislative status, the writer, on the reference of legislative experiences of western countries, pays a great attention to analyze the legislative system of the small and middle-sized business , points out the defects, so as to imposes the suggestions on the improvement for dealing with the debt of the small and middle-sized business, meanwhile, the writer also study the western country's legislative status of small and middle-sized business, and make countermeasures to deal with and avoid the debt at last. The writer hopes that this article can be of great benefit to demolish the debt perplex and the legislation in the future .
Keywords/Search Tags:small and middle-sized business, debt, deal with, countermeasures
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