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International Capital Flows, China's Financial Security Threats And Countermeasures Research

Posted on:2010-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360275958515Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
International capital flows as a resource allocation process since the economic globalization, greatly promoted the development of the world economy. However, with the scale of international capital flows and uncertainties of the expansion of the enhanced security of the country's financial problems have become increasingly significant in today's context of the liberalization of capital flows, there is economic and financial shortcomings of the country to face the resistance forces of international speculation and lead to economic fluctuations. For China, this issue deserves more attention because it involves not only financial, but also touched on national economic security. In recent years, with complete freedom of international capital flows, the general trend, our country has taken some measures to relax capital controls, in the end of 2004, determined in accordance with the International Monetary Fund 43 capital projects, China has 11 of them could achieve Exchange, 11 less restrictive, 15 more restrictive, strict control of only 6, my pattern of international capital flows has also changed. At present, China's growing international capital flows, foreign exchange reserves have reached 1.433611 trillion U.S. dollars, foreign debt increased rapidly, reaching 327.802 billion U.S. dollars, capital outflow is increasing. The influx of international capital to China's financial markets and economic order will bring a great impact. Although China's financial crisis has not occurred, but with the capital market in China will gradually open up the financial system and financial markets gradually with the world, China's financial risks in a significant increase. International capital flows and therefore with the theoretical analysis of financial security, as well as China's international capital flows as a result of the financial risks caused by preventive measures and research, are of great theoretical and practical significance. During the Asian financial crisis mainly capital inflows and its subsequent withdrawal of international capital has led to a large number of financial crises, and based on our country is currently facing a lot of international capital flows to the facts, and therefore an important study in this article of international capital flows and financial risks relationship. Methods in the analysis, this article attempts to international capital flows from the characteristics of the different components of international capital flows to study the possible financial risks, with a view to international capital flows and financial relationship between the risk of further understanding.In this paper, the text is divided into three parts: as a result of the current study for the financial security has been in a beginning stage, the definition of financial security for the school sector has not been a unified theory, therefore, the first chapter of this article based on the financial security of domestic academic research a Summary, which on the basis of opening up the perspective of the financial standing of the financial security to define and analyze the financial security and the relationship between financial risk, and then from the theory of international capital flows and financial risks between the general relations; chapter combines the characteristics of international capital flows, from the analysis of international capital flows, the overall status quo approach to international capital flows on China's Financial Security to make a specific threat analysis; third chapter as the logical end-result of this paper put forward China's current international capital flows in the context of how to effectively safeguard the financial security of countermeasures and proposals.
Keywords/Search Tags:international capital flows, financial security, countermeasures
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