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Local Government Research, The Management Structure Of The Industry Associations

Posted on:2009-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J D ZhangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of the civil society and market economic system, also with the transformation of the Government functions, the status and functions of industry associations in the promotion of economy and society have become more and more important. The original Management system is not adapted to the development of the Industry associations. Positive practice and explore have been made to the reform of the management system of the Industry associations throughout country.Based on the analysis and researches of the nature attribute of the industry associations, the relationship pattern between industry associations and government, and the system of the civil society and corporatism, taking the development and management system of the Wenzhou industry associations as specific cases, the essay mainly studies 3 questions: 1) Is there any necessary for competent business departments of industry associations to exist at present stage? 2) Which departments have the qualifications to be in charge with industry associations? 3) How do the government departments manage industry associations?The reform of the industry associations' management system should comprehensively consider the political system of the country, level of development of market economics and the industry associations and other factors. It should be good to the development of the industry associations and the elaboration of their functions, as well as the improvement to the implementation of the economic objects of the government management. On one hand, we should avoid the loss of politics authority based on the original frame during the reform so that it can insure society order and the ability of the government mobilization. On the other hand, we should make the authority modern-oriented and meet the Objective laws and inherent requirements of development of the economy and society.The relevant measures of the reform of the government management system for industry associations are as follows: 1) to perfect legal and policy system of the industry associations. The legal status of the industry associations shall be cleared and strengthened through legislation. It is abound to make a clear distinction of the societal responsibility, to standard the organization functions and to set the characteristic by law; 2) to establish equal cooperation relationship between government and industry associations. That means to establish interactive mechanism between government and industry associations and to improve the cooperation ability of industry associations; 3) to transform the management functions and pattern for industry associations. The government shall switch to focus on services instead of monitoring, to purchase services instead of laying out tasks, and to deliver incentive assessment instead of permission.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industry associations, Management system, reform
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