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Economic Effects Of Technical Barriers To Trade And Policy Evaluation

Posted on:2009-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360272959010Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the process of the development of contemporary international trade, technical barriers to trade have been increasing its role by strengthening the impact on international trade and the world economy, especially on the developing countries. As the world's largest developing country and the third largest trading country, China's foreign trade development has also been severely constrained by technical barriers to trade, the restriction of technical barriers to trade has become China's first major non-tariff barriers to development of foreign trade. Therefore, studying the economic effects of technical barriers to trade and policy evaluation is of important theoretical and practical significance.This paper is divided into seven parts; Chapter 1 introduces the research background, the purpose and significance of research ideas. Chapter 2 analyzes and summarizes the literature studying the technical trade barriers at home and abroad. Chapter 3 analyzes and introduces the concept, the content characteristics and the causes and formation mechanism of the technical barriers to trade. Chapter 4 analyzes effects of the technical barriers to trade from the sides of both theoretical and empirical analysis of the economic. This paper considers the effects of the measures for the import and export between short-term and long-term effects different. For exporting countries, the effect of the short-term measures impede the normal export trade, with a negative effect, but the effect in the long term is not necessarily the same, which will enhance the technical level and upgrade a country's industrial structure; for importing countries, although in the short term TBT measures will improve the terms of trade and protect the domestic industries, they will not enhance the long-term competitiveness of domestic enterprises, even will not maintain the trade interests; at the same time, the north-south asymmetry effects of technical barriers to trade still exist. Chapter 5 analyzes the policy evaluation of the technical barriers to trade and the protecting cost of the technical barriers to trade and compares the different effects of TBT with other kinds of tariff and non-tariff measures; it also analyzes protective effect of TBT measures and its impact factors. The conclusion comes to that the effect of TBT protection measures is less significant than tariffs. The policy costs are so high that rational governments should not take measures to protect domestic industries. Chapter 6 introduces the international scope of the application of TBT measures, as well as China's. The results have shown that the application of technical barriers to trade becomes extensive and that China's exporting experience of facing TBT measures becomes increasingly serious, so that it should take certain measures to resolve the problem. Chapter 7 discusses China's policy options of the technical barriers to trade. China should try its best to avoid and defuse the loss when facing TBT measures, but it also should make full use of its positive effects; considering correcting market failure and ensuring people's physical health and safety, when formulating China's technical standards, China should draw up the corresponding standard, not develop protective standards. The innovation of the paper lies in the analysis of the economic effects of technical barriers to trade from both short-term and long-term sides, which points out the effects of different periods are different. Besides, both domestic and foreign literatures on the policy evaluation of TBT are rare, so this paper is of important value and significance. Of course, there are still many weak points in my paper, including lacking micro-basis and real basis, which needs to further study.
Keywords/Search Tags:technical barriers to trade, economic effects, policy evaluation
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