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From Science And Ideology Of Being People-oriented To Harmony

Posted on:2007-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360182488124Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an independent subject, the Science of Management has a history of a hundred years. In reviewing the historical development of it over the past a hundred years, all management theories, from the early classical scientific management theory, organization management theory to science of acts theory and to the modern management field to the contemporary study-type organization theory, enterprise culture theory, enterprise reconstructed theory, 6Σtheory and so on, have changed and developed with the society to create Today's prosperity of the Science of Management. There must be some clues which caused the development of those management ideologies and led to different conclusions from different perspectives. We can find the tracks of them from such angels as the time and the growth of the productive forces. This paper tries to analyze the changes and development tendency on perspectives of humanism and scientific doctrine.. First of all, this paper makes analysis on the fundamental significance of the management thinking so that a conclusion is reached that its essence is to pursue the efficiency of organizing activities and the managing subject and its target are the major factors influencing the raising of the management efficiency. The subjective factor pays more attention to the productive relations and the potential of people can be exploited through coordination among people of the managing subject. This is mainly a flexible management and the value is oriented toward humanism. The latter attaches more importance to the productive forces and the management efficiency is raised through means of formulating scientific and rational system, working procedural, management model and so on. Its value is oriented toward the scientific doctrine mainly based on hard management. This paper generalizes the two clues as humanism and scientific doctrine and the analysis on changes and development of the managing thinking is carried out according to the two clues.From the second chapter, the changing process of both the eastern and the western management ideologies is analyzed on the perspectives of scientific doctrine and rationalism. The western honors scientific and rational management philosophy because of its historical and cultural origin. However, with the multiculturalism and internationalism, it continuously goes back to the humanism. Owing to the traditional cultural factors in the eastern, the humanism management thinking is deeply rooted in Chinese people's minds. Examining the changes of that thinking in Japan and China, we can find out that it is the changing track from the humanism to the scientific rationalism.The fourth chapter elaborates the tendency of scientific doctrine and humanism in both eastern and western managing ideologies, namely the integration of the science and people-oriented ideology and of the east and the west. The fifth chapter introduces the harmonious managing theory which has been successful in combing the scientific doctrine and humanism in both eastern and western managing ideologies. Finally, I have made some ending remarks.
Keywords/Search Tags:science, people-oriented, change of management thinking, harmonious management
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