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Republic Of China Sichuan Salt Modern And Impact

Posted on:2011-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R G FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330338975002Subject:History specifically history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sichuan is the birthplace of well salt, in the long-term production and practice, ancestors have created technological wonders one after another, well salt's production and development, also have affected the political, economic and cultural of Sichuan. It is a turning point in the history of well salt in the Period of the Republic of China, It is the crucial period of transition from the traditional production methods to the modern production methods. the development had a major impact to Sichuan and the whole country`s development.In 1913,Yuan Shikai mortgaged the salt tax to signed the aftermath`s loan, China lost the autonomy of salt tax, China began modernization of Salt affairs pace. Salt modernization includes salt administration, salt distribution system modernization and the modernization of production technology. Salt Affairs Checking Department was set up in Sichuan, it made salt affairs` institutions to begin modernization. It improved the efficiency of salt affairs. It unified salt tax rate, implemented the modernization of accounting system. Tax on the implementation of field, feudal Yin`an system was abolished, free trade was carried out, it was conducive to the development of capitalist relations of well salt industry. Advanced equipment and technology were imported in the Republic of China, the larger saltern essentially achieved the modernization.Well salt production created a great deal of material wealth for Sihcuan, salt is one of three sources of revenue; its development had profound impact on the political situation of Sichuan. Warlords of Sichuan competed well salt in the early Earlier the Republic of China. Who controlled the well salt, he would be able to occupy a place in the constant fighting among warlords, therefore well salt is the material basis of constant fighting among warlords in the early Earlier the Republic of China. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, most of the fields of sea salt were enemy-occupied. Sichuan became the most important salt production area in the Kuomintang area. The KMT Government had increased the efforts to support Sichuan well salt production, it promoted the development of salt well in Sichuan, well salt of Sichuan ushered the second golden age. The development of Sichuan well salt protected the needs troops and people, stabilize the socio-economic the Rear Are it was the material basis of"protracted war", and it was the internal cause of the victory of the Anti-Japanese.The rapid development of Sichuan well salt the in the period of the Republic of China, had brought a profound influence culture. It promotes the development of Sichuan Dishes, Sichuan Dishes came to maturity in this period; it was the sources of funding of the Republic of China press, it was also the main contents of newspaper reports, The development of press had been marked by the well salt in the Period of the Republic of China. The modernization of well salt, people horizon being wide, and the social material wealth increased, gave a boost to modernization of education, this is the social foundation of talent in Sichuan.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Republic of China, well salt, the Anti-Japanese War
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