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Tourism Occupational Classification System Construction

Posted on:2012-06-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330335980546Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since reform and opening, Chinas tourism industry developed rapidly , Tourism industry continues to expand the scale,industry systems are maturing,Tourism employment are fast growing,the development of tourism has become one of the fastest growing industries. In Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Development of Tourism Industry,which emphasized that "Tourism is a strategic industry, low resource consumption, driving coefficient, employment opportunities, better overall efficiency",and put forward the new strategic and position and mission requirements of tourism in economic and social development on the new era. That "we should cultivate tourism as a strategic pillar industry of national economy and more satisfied with the modern service industry.Make the tourism industry as a strategic pillar industry for national ,which brings opportunities to develop the tourism and to establish the industry status.The Ceremony of the Peoples Republic of occupation,make the career system with national series construction, according to the similarity of occupational integrating the career,don't subdividing by industry,which resulting in there is hardly any words of tourism in "ceremony", few occupations related to tourism,and concentrated in the fourth largest category of business, Catering service staff in the third middle category of service,and services in the fourth middle category of Hospitality,Tourism and , fitness and entertainment venues. With the rapid development of tourism, the connotation of the traditional tourism occupation has change, at the same time there have been emerging some new tourist occupation,such as tourism planner,Tourism Enterprise Consultant and so on. The Ceremony of the Peoples Republic of occupation,which the occupational classification has not accurately reflect the current career objective changes in the field, to some extent hindered the further development of tourism.So, in this paper,have made some interviews and research in tourism positions, and focus on some countries, which carried out occupational classification earlier, the job classification is relatively mature, then try to build the tourism occupational classification of our country. The main content and conclusions are as follows:First, to build of the basic theory of tourism occupational classification, including the concepts of vocational, tourism occupational and defining the scope of tourism. In this paper, tourism industry is divided into four parts,there are Hotel and lodging industry,Scenic spot industry,Tourism intermediaries and Tourism originality industry,and also proposed the realistic needs of the tourism occupation classification in our country.Then,after the interviews and research in tourism positions, the author controlled the present conditions of positions, analysised the tourism-related occupation in The Ceremony of the Peoples Republic of occupation,finded the problems of tourism ccupational classification system, then reserched the occupational classification system of six countries,including United States,Canada,Germany,Australia,New Zealand,South Korea,Singapore, which carried out occupational classification earlier, the job classification is relatively mature.Through the comparative study,summed up the experience of foreign tourism occupational classification.Last, on the basis of study on comparative of Chinese and foreign tourism occupational classification,try to build the occupational classification system from Hotel and lodging industry,Scenic spot industry,Tourism intermediaries and Tourism originality industry, describe the relevant typical career,and try to give some advises to adjust the domestic tourism occupational classification.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tourism occupational, classification system, International Comparison, Matrix Construction
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