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Commercial Banks To Remote Monitoring Systems Research And Development

Posted on:2011-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S P LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330332977594Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of information technology, modern capital flow is the electronic information quickly quick way, commercial bank of traditional post-supervision that regularly, prior notice supervision,cannot satisfy the demands of the new situation. Using the current technology, with the development of commercial Banks of the needs of business development, a series of remote supervision, bills, and formed a "business microfilm system on visual surveillance, notes in management, network instrument" as the core content of supervision and management system, and to further strengthen the bank payments and settlement system to prevent and control the risk of commercial Banks, promote efficiency and reduce the operation cost ", "trade business supervision and management level of ascension has very important significance.Based on the investigation of commercial Banks, through the change of authorization mechanism of remote control requirements, the authorized business transaction data, the relevant certificates and trade scene image synchronous transmission remote terminal, by authorization to finish the audit remote authorized personnel authorized by a new model. Aiming at the scene, a single network model of salience authorized efficiency and the quality is not high, the authorized business license unbalanced, secondary institutions supervisory personnel and repeated input repeat audit, human resources, through the high occupy the current supervision system, rational layout, change the current operating managers, accounting, and accounting inspector, accounting supervision for the subject librarian supervision system of commercial Banks, to construct the visual accounting supervision YingYeShi network administrators, director of the supervision and inspection of the main power supervision system, scientific configuration, the implementation of effective supervision and management, set up effective implementation of accounting, save operation risk firewall. To solve the existing in current license authorization form, but no substantial examination questions, further highlight important business supervision, strengthen comprehensive risk management, Through the reform of remote authorized, solve problems to solve, and authorized efficiency authorized business imbalance, so as to optimize the personnel structure.This paper firstly remote supervision system reform of alternative site supervision after detailed research and development of requirement analysis,including the function module and functional requirements and non-functional requirements, and through various architecture design of the system from the overall development. From design, application of visual authorized module and safety of the system authentication module of detailed design is expounded. In connection with the external based on application, construction, supervision and alternative site supervision business remotely, facing many types of application system provide a unified management, authorized management and service, at the same time, the interface is corresponding distribution in different regions in images or application of synchronous information.
Keywords/Search Tags:commercial Banks, Remote authorized, Supervision, Image microfilm, OCR
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