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The Hidden Face

Posted on:2011-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2195360332956054Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Roland·Barthes once said:"The narrative derives from the history of human beings itself."Whatever they are novels, stories or films, where there is life, there are narratives.Postclassical narratology has played an important role and declared that classical narratology is out of date at present, but the paper is based on classical narratology. Because it is impossible to discuss context without the structure.Orhan·Pamuk, the winner of Nobel Prize for literature in 2006, gave his works mysterious colours such as: white, black, red and others in the titles of his works. Moreover, the diverse contents are just like Islam encyclopedia. Undoubtedly, if you intend to understand the true theme and connotation under the profound levels, you have to start with the unique structures and dazzling narrative skills in his works.The paper consists of three parts, which are introduction, principal part and Conclusion, the principal part includes the following parts.The first: According to the narrative style in the Chinese version of Pamuk's novels, I divide them into four stages: embryonic stage, developing stage, mature stage, the peak and give a concise description.The second one: I combine classical narratologists Genette's theories with the other's advantages to study the narrative structure of Pamuk's only political novel—SNOW, which mainly discuss narrative time, focalization, narrator and narrative level.The third part: I use the Games and Symbols in German interpretation scientists Gadamer's Art ontology.The picture of snow in the text is not only the key to puzzle, but also stands for the hero in the book. So, it is an implicit symbol. With the development of narratology, the hermeneutics is more and more important in literature. In SNOW, the Games present the structure and the symbol express meanings. All above, I add hermeneutics to classical narratology in this paper. It is a step from classical narratology to postclassical narratology and this step is just a breakthrough .
Keywords/Search Tags:SNOW, Narratology, Symbol, Games
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