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Analysis On The Evolution Of South-sect Zen And Its Causes And Characteristics

Posted on:2011-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2195330338975269Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In spite of the different tittle, the Zen, Zending and Zenwu are all a kind of psychological phenomenon and spiritual experience. Zen originated from India, and formed the South-sect Zen which demonstrated Chinese features while devoloping in China. The South-sect Zen advocated the satori mode of Zen practicing, and it's purpose was"keeping inside, no words, to hearts and becoming buddha", which affected the latter Chinese buddha devolopment deeply.The evolution of South-sect Zen practicing mode comprised Zushi-Zen, Word-Zen, Seewords-Zen, Mozhao-Zen and Blessing-Zen. The Zushi-Zen which appeared in late Tang-dynasty thought that Zen was daily life, and it feeled Zen with Touching bord, Scolding, Jifeng, Tishi, Praising buddha and disdaining ancestor. The officials in Song dynasty formed the Word-Zen by their Zen actions. While the Word-Zen was too difficult to understand, the Seewords-Zen appeared in Song dynasty. At that time, Hongzizhenjue critisized the Seewords-Zen and put forward to Mozhao-Zen, a way of practicing Buddhism by Mo.and meditating. The pure Zen age was over after Yanshou's view of Blessing-Zen appeared.This article depicts the resons for the evolution of South-sect Zen practicing mode from the angle of devolopment of society, Cultural level and Life style of disciples, and think that the reason of evolution mainly lies in the religious nature of opening and adaption.This article argues that the religion exists and devolops should adapt to a certain society and history and the needs of human by depicting the evolution of South-sect Zen practicing mode. What's more, the religion should abide by the rules of society and history. Our attitude to the religion is that we should respect it's existance and leading it correctly, so that we can make better use of the adjusting functions of religion, and let religion serve the social harmony.
Keywords/Search Tags:South-Sect Zen, Zen-Practicing Mode, Evolution
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