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Researches On The Construction Of "v Dao"

Posted on:2011-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2195330332470612Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the results of previous researches,this thesis makes a more comprehensive, in-depth observation of the construction of"V Dao". Meanwhile, the thesis particularly emphasizes on observation and description of the features of every component (V Dao, Dao, V, associated with NP) and the relations among them in the construction. Based on the theory of generative grammar, the thesis also makes a syntactic operation on the construction within the framework of Minimalist Grammar (MP). That wants to make a syntactic interpretation of the construction from the Universal Grammar (UG), while using Xiong Zhongru's"Functional Category Hypothesis"and"movement and jioning in the same direction"and so on. By the investigation of the Chinese sentence, the thesis aims to try to combine full description and full interpretation."V Dao"is a compound word instead of a phrase, for it can not be extended or interrupted internally. Based on its grammatical functions such as taking object and not modified by"hen", it was argued to be a verb.Its coustruction has two forms: single-transitive and ditransitive, representing as two valences and three valences. V shows activity semantically, monosyllable mostly and disyllable seldom phonologically, one valence, two valences and three valences syntactically. After forming"V Dao"with"Dao", the"V Dao"shows multivalent valences, which are two valences and three valences. In addition, there are varied semantic relations between NP and"V Dao".The paper draws Minimalist Grammar (MP), Functional Category Hypothesis, movement and jioning in the same direction, incorporation and other related theories. Based on designing syntax derived program for the construction of"V Dao", the thesis will make a syntax explanation for generation of the compound word"V Dao"——the"V Dao"is generated by the incorporation of the core and the core in the syntax operation, its syntactic core function should be functional category v extending it, which decides all its syntactic features. Its coustruction's inner verbs can be widen by the verbs in the functional category: Bec, as well as Bes and Caus. One functional category widen the verb, which can be single transitive, while two functional category can be ditransitive. Functional category selects the patients as arguments, which makes verb showing dynamic valence. At the same time the thesis gives a syntactic interpretation to the nature of"Dao"and has a conclusion: there are two natures of the"Dao", one is a preposition, another is a verb.The thesis applies many theories and methods such as the extension, distribution, theta-role, valency, semantic feature and generative grammar to describe the construction. Based on the description, the thesis manages to show the roles played by the functional categories in the syntax.
Keywords/Search Tags:"V Dao", analyses of components, minimalist program, functional categories
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