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Ecological Environment And Cultural Factors On The Protein Content Of Wheat Varieties

Posted on:2002-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2193360032456889Subject:Crop Cultivation and Farming System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Studies on the Regularity of protein content variation of wheat strains with different qualitative genotype Abstract Wheat strains with different level of improved quality were selected as the materials of this experiment, and the influence of several factors on the wheat seed quality were studied, which include the climate-ecology environment, soil nutritive surroundings, regulating measures of cultivation and genetic characteristic of strains. The results indicate: The variation of protein content in wheat is subjected to the jointly effect of natural ecology conditions, cultivating conditions and the characteristic heredity of strains. As the geographical conditions go toward southern, the quality of seed presents the declining tendency. The general tendency is as follows: the quality in upper and middle reaches of Yangtze River is inferior to that in the middle and lower area, the quality in the place of wheat production of Yangtze River is inferior to that in Huanghuai area, and the quality in Huanghuai area is inferior to that in bess plateau which is the place of late-maturing heat production. Analyzing the natural eeo]ogy condition of the areas studied, find that the forming of seed protein is iefly related to the precipitation and sunshine in that area. It means that excessive precipitation and insufficient sunshine are not beneficial to the forming of protein aftc;putting forth ears. Meanwhile, relatively high temperature after putting forth ears, poorer light and relatively dry weather are beneficial to ihe accumulation of protein in whcat seed. In the soil nutritive surroundings, it is the nitrogenous fertilizer that tunic c1 As Oa the quality of wheat seed. Within the limits of content, there is the positive con ion between the content of protein in wheat seed and the quantity of the nitrogenous feiii lizer used. Though the genetic characteristics differ in strains, great mutation affected by the environment takes place. Moreover, this experimer't ridicates that the acting force of environment to the protein is far larger than that of the strains, which provided theoretical basis tbr the quality cultivation and quality division jrlo districts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yield and protein of wheat, Ecologlical environment, Factors of cultivation, Regularity of variation
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