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Medical Frameless Stereotactic Navigation System Design Studies

Posted on:2006-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2192360155458721Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Frameless stereotactic navigation system is the outcome combining the latest technologies in computer science, image-guided and stereo-tactics. It belongs to surgical robot and be used in neurosurgery. Compared with the traditional stereotactic operations, it can assist surgeons position precisely and release the patients' pain, convenience the surgeons and increase the safety of operation. Many developed countries have attached importance to computer-assisted surgical navigation and robotics. However, little research about appearance molding design has been done on surgical navigation system. So this thesis focuses on appearance molding design of frameless stereotactic navigation system.The chapter two introduces the medical equipment system and studies lessons of the 2004 Medical Design Excellence Awards. Then describes the operational principles, structure, workflow of the surgery navigation system. The history and research status of surgical navigation system is summarized.The chapter three analyses operating room which frameless stereotactic navigation system is placed in, finding the relating elements between appearance molding design of frameless stereotactic navigation system and operating room.In chapter four, man-machine engineering design of frameless stereotactic navigation system is analysed. There are two operating modes for frameless stereotactic navigation neurosurgery: standing and sitting mode, from which we can educe basic design sizes for frameless stereotactic navigation system.In chapter five, consumer idea, comsume level and consume structure testify the possibility and certainty of frameless stereotactic navigation system, and research on consume motive and tendency clarifies the direction of development and design of frameless stereotactic navigation system.The chapter six studies appearance molding design of frameless stereotactic navigation system. Then discusses configuration design, color design and material design of frameless stereotactic navigation system separately.In the last chapter of this thesis, author summarizes viewpoints ahead, inaddition; a practical appearance molding design of frameless stereotactic navigation system is given.
Keywords/Search Tags:navigation, appearance molding, design
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