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Weathered Rock Slope Cave Blasting Applied Research

Posted on:2002-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E F AnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2192360032951340Subject:Military chemistry and pyrotechnics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relative problems,whlchare charged factor that the part thro' blasting Influence o几 the divided charges and the choice of blasting network In chamber blasting,are studied on the basis ofyuncheng——SanmenxlaExpressway Large-scale Blasting Engineering In this paper. Firstly,the latter chamber's charged factor Influenced by part throwblasting,are discussed.The comparable figobtained from above discussion can reflect the Influence clearly. The divided charges are studied systematically by theoretic analysis,engineering calculate and simulated experiments.The simulated experiments and engineering practice have been proved that Intervals bet'een the divided charges,which are engineering calculated,are practicable;and blasting effect s good. In order to find proper blasting networks for types of chamber blasting,Several familiar nonelectrlcal blasting networks are analyzed and calculated by Probability Theory and Numerical Stat.....
Keywords/Search Tags:chamber blasting, throwblasting, control blasting, divided charges, chamber Interval
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