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Chinese Garden Style, Water

Posted on:2002-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2192360032452127Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a basic element of garden, Water is one of important components in making of Garden. The study of the thesis aims at analyzing the style of water design in ancient Chinese garden and its process of developing and forming. Except a small part of ancient gardens built in Ming and Qin dynasty still remain in China; others were destroyed totally, with only the descriptions in old books. But the style of water design in early time still remains in the Gardens, which can be seen today, because of Chinese people's conservativeness and respect to their traditions. So, this article bases on the descriptions of ancient gardens and the studies of remaining gardens. Conclusions: 1 . In the beginning, water design was close retaliated to irrigation and fish culture. 2 . Natural style of water design is not the primitive form of Chinese gardens. In "You"and "Yuanpu" the primitive forms of Chinese gardens, there were geometric forms in designing of water. Before Qin Dynasty, the instinctive aesthetic sense of the ancients converted the style of water design from geometry to nature. In Song Dynasty, water design has achieved its highest lever, both in aspects of forms and aesthetic value. 3 . Different forms of water have different landscape meaning, which lie in shore sides and backgrounds of water. 4 . Representing the sprit of nature with abstract art based on fully understanding the nature and its process and regulations is future of modem water design in china. Wu Shan (Artistic Design) Directed by Prof. Miao Liangyun...
Keywords/Search Tags:design of water, natural style, garden
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