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Discourse Force

Posted on:2008-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Coming with the media time, the transformation of the human culture is the deeper meaning behind the time. From the last decade of the 20th century to now, the environment problems of China have been one of the focuses of the world, and currently, become dramatically prominent. By the platform of media and under the circumstances of the macroscopic nation and society, this dissertation observes and records the debate concerning the Seeping Film Affair of the Yuan Ming Yuan Imperial Garden and the China Environment Protection Centurial Program from the perspective of anthropology , and then further discusses the process with regard to the creation and transformation of the environment words with the gaming of several forces and relations, as well as the meaning of the culture created and communicated in the mutative procedure. At the same time, this dissertation also focuses on the extensive use of environment words.The related national competent authorities, local governmental agencies, the public, the intelligentsia, the NGOs and the medium co-exist in the continuous, interactive process and co-present in the interlaced space-time historically and realistically, and raise drastic rivalry. The interest intertexture among different authorities, power gaming between the central and local governments, flaunt of economy position and culture status and involvement of special social relationships show themselves incisively and vividly in it. The environment words are derivative from the powers, influences the wholesociety and penetrates into the real fields. The participants duel in the substantially unfair game and rivalry, and the new mechanism is established in the reality and lightness defined by the winners. The decisions is, in some extend, a discontinuous and Utopian fantasy. The establishment of the truly green mechanism needs the understanding of the participant concerning the truth of the environment and unscrambles the meaning of the continual development from the perspective of the culture and human-based beginning.Basing on the traditional researches in the fields, this thesis is attempting to make some new achievements as following: First, the objects selected to be researched are not the fixed person, thing or field but two affairs in the nature of process. Second , With regard to the methodology, besides the participating observation and the deep interview, paper-based reports and the method on the analysis into the internet words are employed, which bring forth more abundant language communication. Third , the thesis is introspective about the method basing on the field and be objective and comprehensive to myself. In other words, I enter the field acted both as an anthropologist and a journalist who influence the development of the affairs.
Keywords/Search Tags:media, environment affair, discourse, gamble, mechanism
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