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Ghost Dark Energy Model Stability

Posted on:2012-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L ChuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2190330332493837Subject:Theoretical Physics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The modern cosmology began with Albert Einstein studying the whole universe by the use of his equition of gravitational field. After that, man found an inflating universe, and proposed the Big Bang Theory, and so on. The contents of the universe were also stusied. Especially in 1998, the results of the observations on supernova type la made our understanding of the universe more clear.The observations on supernova type la in 1998 showed that the inflation of the universe is accelerating. It is impossible that the inflation of the universe is accelerating if the universe is only dominated by the gravitation. Man has proposed several theories to explain this phenomenon. In these theories, the popular one is the theory of dark energy.There are many models of dark energy in the theory of dark energy, one of them is the Ghost Dark Energy, whose stability is to be researched in this article.There is a close relation between the stability of the dark energy and the squared adiabatic sound speed (SASS) in it. The SASS shoud be caculated in two cases:interaction and noninteraction between dark energy and dark matter. The research on the stability of Ghost Dark Energy bases on the disscutions of SASS in this dark energy in two cases.
Keywords/Search Tags:cosmology, accelerative inflation of the universe, dark energy models, stability
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