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Quality Management Application In Supplier System Of BBA Company

Posted on:2011-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360332956965Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the conditions of global economic integration, competition among enterprises has been transformed for the organization of competition between groups, the quality is not completed by separate enterprises, but by the industrial chain together the various members completed. Supplier quality management is the key to modern quality management in a ring, the enterprise's performance and are directly related to suppliers. Providers in the enterprise value chain, the most front-end, but throughout the entire enterprise value creation process. A direct impact on the quality of suppliers, enterprise-wide quality managementBMW Brilliance Automotive Corporation as the earlier high-end cars in international leading brand, not only stimulated the development of Chinese auto companies, but also for other international luxury brands have made an example. However, with the giants in the world of motor racing began to focus on China's auto market, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo and other world-renowned automobile dealers aggressively into the Chinese market, competition in the automobile industry has reached an unprecedented intensity of, How to accelerate the pace of new models of delivery, improve customer satisfaction, expand market share, look for new profit growth point, as the various OEMs to seriously think about. Respect the consumer's preferences, to improve consumer satisfaction with vehicle configuration; personalized order-driven production will undoubtedly become a modern automotive marketing new ways.This is the in-depth study of the BBA company existing supplier quality management system, combined with the upcoming new custom type production paradigm shift proposed BBA company supplier quality management system recommendations for improvement.The company's strategy in the changed context of BMW Brilliance Automotive supplier quality management system has been unable to fully meet the requirements of the current model, its own unity, the excessive dependence on Germany's BMW, not the integrity of the system gradually revealed, in For the system improvement is imperative.First of all papers from the supplier quality management, development history, the meaning of supplier quality management, supply chain quality management characteristics and strategies, project quality management, and Auto Parts Factory production model of a theoretical overview of four aspects. Details of the BBA company the introduction of the custom-type pull mode of production, to introduce the mode of production under the existing supplier quality management system problems, such as the management process is not complete, the lack of cooperation platform with Germany, there is no sharing of technical information with the German system, the lack of constant interaction with the supplier of information systems and other major issues; Then put forward constructive suggestions for improvement, such as improving processes, increase supplier development and evaluation of links, the introduction of project risk assessment process and build communication and cooperation with the German network and enter into service agreement, the introduction of BMW's information system, the establishment of interaction with suppliers system implementation project quality management and product batch after the product quality management. BBA company is the right tailored solutions to other OEMs are also a new production mode in future.Through literature study, learning to read lots of quality management of professional knowledge, and published by journal of authority or the professional supplier quality management, as this theory. Through the investigation of the enterprise, organization structure, process system, operation mode, supplier's quality management system, the detailed investigation, and participate in project management process. For the analysis of existing supplier quality management system. Through quantitative analysis, using BBA supplier quality management data, analyzing current BBA proof supplier quality management system, some problems existed.This study based on the concept of BMW supplier quality management, combining the actual situation, the BBA company enterprise supplier quality management system in the new production mode existing problems, and puts forward proposals to improve. The automobile company is to BBA tailor-made solutions for domestic other automobile manufacture; pull out enterprise customer order is a reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supplier, Project Quality Management, BBA
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