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High-technology Industrial Clusters Research

Posted on:2011-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360305457237Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Changchun high-tech industries Development Area is one of the first such nationally administrative areas that are approved by the State Council in March, 1991. It is located in the southwestern region of Changchun and occupies an area of 78.6 km2. With its superior technology edge, flow of talented people, positive culture and innovative atmosphere, it has focused on the development of 5 pillar industries: automobile and its components, the biomedical and medicine, the optical-electronic technology, information technology and innovative materials. The clustering of such industries has become an influential force nationally.There have been substantial studies on the impact of clustering of industries for a long time. From the British classic economist Marshall's first systematic and comparative study of industry clustering to Michael Porter 's strategic management school of clustering industry economic theory, the study of clustering industry has made a significant impact in the international economics research community. At the same time, foreign scholars have studied the clustering economy from the perspectives of external economy volume, centralized economy and local government policies to better summarize the mechanism of industry clustering. This has strongly indicated clustering industry is a key factor to competitiveness of regions and helps improve the competitive strength of its residing region.The birth of high-tech technology industry cluster can be regarded as a special example that not only has its unique implication but also carries the trait of common industry cluster. Many cooperating and competing high-tech companies and its supporting agencies and institutions including the university, research institutes, local governments, intermediary services providers, network investment institutions gather in the certain area and interact with each other to form a division and cooperation network that cultures innovation and collaboration. The network roots from its local social and cultural environment and develops into relatively competitively strong force and system. This article systematically analyzes the forming conditions of high-tech industry cluster, explains the effects of high-tech industry cluster and finally demonstrates the necessity of establishing such high-tech clusters.In this article, we analyze and discuss the current status of above-mentioned 5 leading high-tech industry clusters in Changchun high-tech industries Development Area and summarize the current high-tech industry cluster's achievements as follows:1. Design scientifically-sound and reasonable industry cluster development plan2. Promote the reputation of the well-known regions3. Nurture flagship enterprises which will lead the development of the industry cluster4. Strengthen the self-innovation ability, lift the industry to a higher level5. Optimize and improve the industry cluster's hardware.In the same time, we also summarize a list of problems that are encountered during the development of high-tech industry cluster:1. The scale of industry cluster is relatively small. It is not as competitive as other industries cluster in other cities.2. The industry is mostly in the low level of the industry chain which has relatively weak innovation capability.3. The companies are not working together on fine-grained parts of the entire system. The efficiency of the industry cluster is not fully exploited.4. The intermediate services providers serving the industry cluster need to improve themselves to better serve the community.5. The venture capitalist mechanism is not well established yet.In addition to these, there are several factors that limit the development of industry cluster in Changchun high-tech industries Development Area:1. Insufficient support for the high-tech industry2. Insufficient inherent mechanism to promote self-development3. Insufficient policy support from local government.We thoroughly analyze the development of industry cluster in Changchun high-tech industries Development Area. In addition, we also use Zhongguancun in Beijing and Silicon Valley in USA illustrate the difference. Zhongguancun has formed a electronic information technology cluster with software, computer, communication, network, integrated circuit design as the leading industries. In Silicon Valley, computer hardware manufacturing, software, Internet products have led the industry cluster development. From these two examples, we learn that in order to increase the effect and efficient of industry cluster, we need to attract well-educated technical people and to emphasize nurturing dominant industry chain as our priority.In conclusion, we propose the our suggestions to the future development of Changchun high-tech industries Development Area:1. Local government should guide the entire industry cluster development process, innovate their policy, provide the nurturing environment for high-tech industrial clusters.2. Nurture and encourage the internal innovate mechanisms among the industrial clusters, strengthen and improve the high-tech industry chain.3. Push for the venture capital to develop in the park, boost the formation and rapid development of high-tech industrial clusters.4. Improve the intermediate service providers and public service, aim to create a secure and safe environment, promote the completion of the industry chain.5. Improve the development environment of the industrial clusters, increase the competitiveness of the high-tech industry in the park.
Keywords/Search Tags:Changchun High and new Area, High-technology, Industrial Clusters
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