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Green Trade Barriers On China's Furniture Export Enterprises And Countermeasures

Posted on:2010-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E K ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360278950554Subject:Forestry Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 21st century, China's furniture export industry has been developing extremely rapidly, and become strength of China's export industry, China's furniture exports become an important part of the national income. As China's furniture export industry, the rapid development of the international trade lead to the developed countries, particularly in Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries of trade barriers, which have had a great impact on China's furniture exports. China's furniture industry vulnerable to distinguish the current international and domestic situation, in order to make the furniture industry for a minimum of losses, further development and growth of China's strong competitive advantage in the furniture industry. This article on China's furniture export industry is facing issues of specific analysis, and put forward specific proposals in the hope that the furniture industry exports will help the current situation.This article is divided into six parts: The first part of the preamble is mainly on the research background of this article, the significance of the method, innovation, and other points in detail description. The second part of China's furniture industry's current state of the specific analysis, mainly from China's furniture industry to identify existing problems. The third part is a green trade barriers, this article is from the furniture business experience to talk about green trade barriers, so we should talk about the simple green trade barriers, and find out the furniture industry is closely related to the green trade barriers. This article is the fourth part of an important chapter, detailed analysis of China's green trade barriers on China's furniture industry, including both positive and negative. Measures are part of the fifth chapter- the end of the article, was result mainly from the state, enterprises, Furniture Industry Association, Three of the main put forward specific needs of each, which is China's furniture industry is located way out. Part six is a summary of this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:Green trade barriers, export of furniture, green marketing
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