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Changes In Modern China Garment Industry Under The Influence Of Western Industrialization

Posted on:2010-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360278474915Subject:Textile Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the Opium War, China suffered imperialist aggression, and gradually become a semi-colonial semi-feudal society, garment industry in modern social and political, economic and cultural context of the complex has undergone tremendous changes. The impact of Western industrialization (hereinafter referred to as "Western influence"), Modern garment industry from the "Western influence" of the situation prior to the development of a single lag in order to suit the industry, fashion industry, the shirt industry, new industries, such as the diversification of industry. In this paper, the modern garment industry by the "Western influence" change both before and after the study, using comparative analysis and summary of the law under the influence of Western industrialized modern garment industry and the law changes. Modern apparel industry is the watershed between ancient and the modern clothing industry, in the development of garment industry has played a role in connecting, Of "Western influence" post-modern garment industry production, production techniques, production equipment and marketing and management research, for the less developed areas of modern development of garment industry provides a theoretical basis and examples. The full text of a transformation as the core focus of the modern garment industry track changes, and hopes that the review and analysis of this article can inspire business confidence in modern clothing, garment industry driven out of the plight of the economic crisis and usher in the further development of garment industry and innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Garment industry, Changes, Modern, East meets west
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