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EVA-based Valuation Of Commercial Banks In Empirical Research

Posted on:2010-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G S PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360275997964Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A country's financial sector is an important component of the economy and the banking industry is the core of the financial system, the development of the banking industry has always been closely related with the macro-economy. Three decades since reform and opening up, China's demand for financial services is also growing.We believe that China's banking industry will also usher in a period of rapid growth of the golden era, study the value of the banking industry has become increasingly practical significance.In this paper, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis of the method, has been listed on China's 14 commercial banks to assess the value of them. The preamble of this article suggested that the purpose and significance of researching on the value of commercial banks, and explained the research methodology of this article is the economic value added method;The first chapter sorted out the value of the existing assessment methods and their advantages and disadvantages;The second chapter introduced the EVA theory, then carried out the practical application of data of the annual reports of listed banks to obtained value of the bank's EVA;Chapter III of this paper is part of the valuation analysis,it is an empirical Study of the various commercial banks under the EVA value theory;Chapter IV is a multi-index analysis of the valuation results;Chapter V is the last part of this paper,it is a summary of the full text and described the innovation of this article,it also pointed out the inadequacies of this article and follow-up prospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial banks, Economic value added, Empirical Study
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