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Research On China's Shipbuilding Industry Carrying On Industry Transfer From South Korea And Japan

Posted on:2010-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L GuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360275986527Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shipbuilding industry is one of the oldest industries of human, has powerful industry linkage impact, makes great contributions to national economic development, and represents strength of a country at a certain extent. Therefore, many countries make it as a pillar industry. The world's shipbuilding centers have transferred many times, and the path is Englandâ†'Americaâ†'Japanâ†'South Korea. The role of shipbuilding industry international transfer is from the first industrialized countries to less industrialized countries and from countries with high labor costs to countries of low labor costs. China's shipbuilding industry develops rapidly, completes 28.81 million DWT in 2008, accounts for 29.5% of world market, ranks second in the world, and is second only to South Korea. Exports amount is 19.57 billion dollars in 2008, increases 59.9% than in 2007 year-on-year. China can build bulk carriers, oil tankers, container ships and other conventional ships, in addition, China can build high complexity, high-tech and high value-added ships, such as chemical tanker, product carrier, ro-ro passenger-cargo ship, liquefied natural gas ships, large-scale cold container ships, large self-unloading vessels and high-speed hydrofoil. Compared to South Korea and Japan, development of China's ship supporting industry lags behind.Technological level and organizational management get behind, industry structure is irrational, ability of independent innovation is weak, and productivity is low. China's shipbuilding industry has been included in the "Eleventh Five-Year" development planning framework. But these questions above seriously restrict development of China's shipbuilding industry. Therefore, research on how China to settle these questions and carry on industry transfer plays important practical significance. Compared to other countries, China has low labor costs, rich coastline resources, good industrial base, enormous volume of trade, and strong market demand. Local governments have constituted favorable investment policies. China has favorable conditions for carrying on transfer of shipbuilding industry from South Korea and Japan. At the same time, India, Vietnam and other emerging countries are also actively developing shipbuilding industry, which causes challenges to China's shipbuilding industry carrying on transfer from South Korea and Japan.In recent years, costs of shipbuilding enterprises of South Korea and Japan rise and profits reduce because of shortage of domestic coastline, increased labor costs and high steel prices. At the same time, in order to seize China's huge domestic market and based on the needs of long-term strategy, many shipbuilding enterprises of South Korea and Japan transfer shipbuilding industry to China. But the contents are mainly low-skilled and low value-added subsection-hull and low-end ships. And foreign enterprises mainly concentrate in the provinces of Liaoning, Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, which are with good location, excellent coastal resources, and developed industrial technology. In the process of carrying on industry transfer, inflow of foreign capital, advanced technology and management experience drive mechanical, electronic and other related industries to develop, and ease the stress of employment. China's enterprises also increase level of independent innovation. However, the entry of foreign investments crowds out space for China's resources, especially the transfer of low-end chain will bring China enormous environmental pressure.The global financial crisis in 2008 has made world economy get into recession, world's new ship order reduce, ship prices down, enterprises finance difficultly, and order withdraw from time to time. China's shipbuilding industry is also affected, ship order reduces, ship-owners withdraw orders, and small and medium-sized shipbuilding enterprises are affected especially seriously. China's shipbuilding enterprises are facing re-shuffle. In the financial crisis and economic recession background, government should be based on the principle of sustainable development, overall plan, strengthen macro-control, guide and regulate foreign investment, guide carrying on industry transfer and upgrading industrial structure simultaneously.Shipbuilding enterprises should carefully study <>, speed up reorganization, implement developing strategies of large enterprise groups, carry out feature-oriented marketing, competitive disorderedly, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, improve technological level, set up modern shipbuilding mode, and improve efficiency of production and management further.Research on China's shipbuilding industry carrying on industry transfer from South Korea and Japan mainly uses inductive method, theoretical and applied research combining method, and static and dynamic analysis combining method. Based on development of global shipbuilding industry, select carrying on shipbuilding industry transfer, guide by general rules of shipbuilding industry international transfer, analyze constraints, reasons of carrying on, favorable conditions, and contents and effects of carrying on, and finally, put forward suggestions in the current situation of global financial crisis and economic recession. Therefore, there are innovations in research perspective, research contents and research system.
Keywords/Search Tags:shipbuilding, industry transfer, carry on industry transfer
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