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Studies On Risk Management Of Commercial Banks In China

Posted on:2010-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X AoFull Text:PDF
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Theories on commercial bank risk management have a long history, and the Origin of the United States in 2007 as the subprime mortgage market, real estate sub-loan crisis spread to global financial markets, risk management, the market once again become the focus of attention.China's relative openness of financial markets is not high, is not yet well-developed derivatives market, more stringent regulation, and therefore the impact of the current round of crisis on financial institutions is relatively small. As the crisis Crossing-border, commercial banks operating results despite the impact of varying degrees, but there has been no collapse of large-scale phenomenon. However, research on commercial banks' risk management becomes re-active.This article starts with the Summary of the basic theory of risk management. Then it focuses on the institutional research and analysis of China's commercial banks to the state of risk management system based on the new Basel Capital Accord requirements from the perspective of the financial crisis. Then it uses the latest real-time tracking data with the city of nine domestic commercial banks operating in the state of risk management. Through the collation of large amounts of data, a comparative analysis of the banks in relation to credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk based on key indicators of each commercial bank risk control and risk management capacity in the face of the financial crisis erupted to judge the issue, in the risk management of China's commercial banks to make the speech summed up the status quo on the basis of the response to emerging issues, conducted in-depth analysis and policy recommendations in reference to international commercial banks on the valuable experience of risk management to enhance China's comprehensive risk management of commercial banks to reduce the potential risks probability events, and ensure the sound operation of commercial banks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial Bank, BASEL II, Risk Management
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