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On The Fetishism In David Ricardo's Political Economy

Posted on:2010-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360275468430Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
David Ricard's Political Economy is based on the English Empiricism, regardless of humen's emotion, desire and other subjective factors, making all the economical activities and relationships materialied as simplified numerical codes or terms. It seeks to defines the abstract and objective law of nature in economy from the Capitalist mode of production, which leads to its fetishism in analytical strategies of economy. On the other hand, it comes from the social reality, uncovering the essential aspects profoundly, such as Cpitalistic relations and the hidden class-contradictions, characterized by socio-materialism in depth. Just due to his bare exposure of the actual capitalistic life and its economy at that time, he inevitably met with the serious criticism in ethics from humanists. This essay begins with the popular fetishism in society, probing into David Ricad's Political Economy and his ethic views in economy, digging up their common resources and mutual relationships. In addition, it rebutes the unfair arguments in humanism from the ethic world of the past and present. Moreover, it , on the basis of Marxism, interprets David Ricard's Political Economy systematically and intensively, without doubt:enriching the Marxism-an important theoratic weapon of our nation, and examining the phenomena of money-worship and utiliarianism in the process of deepened reforms of the current economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:David Ricardo, political economy, Fetishism
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