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The Solution Of Financial Supervision: Depend On The New International Accountancy Standard

Posted on:2009-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LinFull Text:PDF
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After the affiliation WTO, under with the big trend of the globalization , our country the accountancy standard walk at head, but according to our country of the concrete environment come analyzing, with the new solution standard of the globalization if can smoothly into practice ? This problem deserve we think deeply, now author problem of new accountancy standard that oneself of the problem, business enterprise present condition, accountancy take charge of the aspect to make an analysis for putting difficulty into practice, and the analysis bring upped the amount solution . In this thesis obviously and still exist a lot of deficiencies, main of now: The right comprehends of new accountancy standard not enough completely, the present condition analysis of business enterprise not enough clear and definite, and bring up solution under concretely of the environment the possibility meeting will suffer the restrict.One of the financial market's greatest challenges is to the accounting profession: How can financial statements best convey information about risk management activities to shareholders, supervisor, and other interested parties? I understate the challenge when I say it is difficult to devise meaningful and understandable disclosure that is also comparable to previous reports and to those of other firms. The disclosure, moreover, should not compromise proprietary information; it must be flexible to accommodate future advances in risk management & financial supervision. Furthermore, the benefits derived should exceed the cost of providing the disclosure. To further complicate the challenge, the information of bank financial statement needs to be independently verifiable.These issues must be considered not only in the context of bank operating but also from an international perspective of the central bank's supervision. Efforts now under way to develop international accounting, disclosure, and supervising standards are encouraging. Bank supervisors will be working in tandem to facilitate the efforts of the internal professional groups.These are daunting challenges. Nevertheless, I am certain that as the profession moves forward to meet these challenges, new ways of viewing risks and reporting them in financial statements will be devised. Financial reporting and supervisory reporting will become even more critical to efficient financial markets and effective bank supervision activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Accountancy standard, Bank, Financial supervision, Solution
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