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The Issue Between International Trade And Environment In Nationality Region Of Western China

Posted on:2009-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360272957919Subject:Chinese Minority economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of world economy, and the wave of worldwide environment protection, sustainable development has already become a common view in international society. Therefore the issue between international trade and environment is also becoming one of the central issues in the world. Experts concerned and international organizations have researched a lot in this territory, and obtained some valuable achievements. Most of the domestic study concerned this issue focus on eastern region. There are seldom achievements about western China. In view of this situation, this paper chooses to research the issue between international trade and environment in western region, and inquires to solve problems and achieve sustainable development.With combining the research achievements of both home and overseas, and reorganizing a large quantity of material, this paper focuses on the issue between international trade and environment protection in territory of nationality in western China. According to the data analysis, the problems of trade and environment issue in western China are summarized as the following:①The irrational exploitation of natural resources:in the exportation of western China, primary products are taking a big portion. The large quantity exportation of resource products and raw material products has caused irrational exploitation and many environmental problems. Irrational exploitation of forests is enlarging desert areas and endangering national ecological safety.②The destruction of biological diversity: the irrational exploitation of natural resources has greatly destroyed the ecological equilibrium. The living environments of some species are severely threatened. Some precious species have already become extinct.③Pollution transfer: due to the undeveloped economy, the low environment protection level, western China is becoming the object of pollution transfer in international trade. In the study territory of the issue between international trade and environment, most of the existing achievements are aimed at one or several problems. There is short of complete and systematic development strategy. In view of the situation nowadays, this paper suggests to solve the problems between international trade and environment protection from the following four aspects:ⅠGovernment aspect: optimize the exportation structure, promote to build the multi-structure in international trade; strictly control the pollution transfer in international trade activity, and optimize the industrial structure of foreign investment; strengthen international communication, and actively participate in international cooperation.ⅡEnterprise aspect: plant green conception into enterprises; control products'life cycle in order to achieve green production; accelerate green authentication in enterprises of nationality territory in western China; build green accounting system.ⅢPublic aspect: make environment protection knowledge universal, and improve public environment protection awareness, set up and regular environment protection participation system. Guide public to get and strengthen green consumption concept.ⅣLaw and regulations aspect: make full use of existing international laws,conventions, and dispute settlement system; regular national laws and relevant mechanisms.In a word, there is still a long way to go to solve the problems between trade and environment. Some conclusions need further study and practical verification. Constant new problems need more work to be solved. Because of personal deficiency and practical difficulties to collect material and data, there is lack of complete demonstration analysis and mathematical model in this paper. Therefore, viewpoints of this paper are hard to be mature enough, and further study is needed.
Keywords/Search Tags:International Trade, Environment Protection, Territory of Nationality in Western China, Sustainable Development
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