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Research On Industries Coordinated Development Of The Liaodong Peninsula

Posted on:2009-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360272475541Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Liaodong Peninsula is an important base of marine transportation and fishing industry on northern China, with advantages in geography and resources. The regional development is not only on economy growth but also on optimization of the industrial structure. The paper summarized regional economic growth theories and industrial structure evolution theories, which provided the foundation studies. Thorough analysis of the key economic indicators, the paper found out the structure feature and developmental tendency of the main industries. For the economic and industries structure difference of the seven cities, the paper made the judgments on industry developing level using industrial structure evolution theories. With similar coefficient calculation, there was possibility for transferred industries, and the paper chose the leading industries for each city. On the situations of Liaodong Peninsula, the paper summarized the demand factors and driving factors on coordinated development of regional industrial. Finaly, the paper raised the strategy for industries coordinated development and emphasized effective safeguard measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liaodong Peninsula, industries, coordinate
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