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The Research Of The Rural Credit Cooperative

Posted on:2008-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360248453303Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The peasant's small credit is that the rural credit cooperative supplys loans with it's authorized forelock and period to peasants without needing mortgage or guarantee based on peasants' credit standing. The peasant's small creadit has the following features: the ministrant object is unique, using credit loan, a small credit forelock. Then , The peasant's small creadit also has the simple procedure and the advantage of loaning interest.The peasant's small creadit takes a very important role in our country's new rural development. First, the peasant's small credit gives good financial supply for agriculture and rural development, enhancing the level of farmer's employment, leading to rural financial reform and creation. Second, the peasant's small credit lightens effectively the trouble that the peasant feels hard to loan and the rural credit cooperative also feels hard to give credit, it makes the two-wins betwenn the peasant and the rural credit cooperative, it also makes the rural credit cooperative have a leading role in rural financial market and betters the rural credit environment.At present, the development of the peasant's small credit stays its beginning stage, there are so many problems in it's developing progress. The total credit quantity is limited. The forelock and period of the peasant's small credit is not so reasionalized, they can't meet the demant fully to farmer's practical production. The use of the loan and the way of the loan is short of creation. The peasant's small credit can't give powerful and good influence on the change of agricultural industry frame and can't give enough sustainment to forming the all-to-do new country. The lower quality clerk of the rural credit cooperative leads to the lower effective work, and the poor ablity to face the financial risks. The management of the peasant's small credit is not perfect, lacking of corrent concept to it. The People's Bank of China doesn't have effective instruction to the peasant's small credit, some sustianing policies to agriculture couldn't be taken seriously, such as re-loan policy. Some local governments can't give good cooperation to form a good financial environment in the country. The local government's poor service supply leads to the slow economic development in the country. At last, the peasants that benefits from the peasant's small credit directly also is lack of the strong right concept and understanding of the peasant's small credit.In order to give a good and healthy development of the peasant's small credit, the rural credit cooperative, the People's Bank of China, local governments and the peasant should put their hands together and take a series of action, the rural credit cooperative should open more wider rangement of the loan, enhencing the forelock and reforming the period of the loan ,perfecting the interest level, at the same time, it also strengthens its personal management, bettering its service. The People's Bank of China gives good instruction to the peasant's small credit, guarantees nations sustaining agriculture policies work well. Local gorvenments should change its concepts, supplying perfect serivce function, optmizing the rural economic environment, making up their mind to give good service to peasnat, country and agriculture. The peasant should set up tight concept of to their credit, returning capital with interest in time. Changing their concepts, they should have a right understanding to the peasant's small credit.
Keywords/Search Tags:the rural credit cooperative, the peasant's small credit, agriculture development
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