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The Research On Settlement Condition Of Workers Who Loses Ground In Overseas Chinese's Farm

Posted on:2009-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360248451747Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Overseas Chinese farm is a enterprise own by national.In the special history,It used to posit the Chinese come back from overseas,From the last century 50th,there were eighty-four overseas Chinese farm in our country,they were located in seven provinces,Guangdong,Guangxi,Fujian,Two hundred and forty thousand overseas Chinese were posited in those farms.In this special condition of those days,this measure can efficiency to help the overseas Chinese.But with the economy and society were improved.The farms economy system and manage modes couldn't suitable. It have brought lot of problems too the farm,by 2001,The farm was delegated power to the lower levels,From them on,all of these farms want to speed up the Industrialization, in harmonize developing the economy and the society.All of them were established relation policy to realize their target.Many farms in our country use their geography advantage and resource advantage,becoming the economic region.Thus they can improve the industrialization and the town construction.In the course of the town,we meet lots of difficulty,the main problem is the farmer nestles.They lose their farm,their jobs and live want to make the big change,Because the change of the living condition,and the government behaves couldn't criterion in the society insures.the panic in this unemployed farmers used can see.thus,it can make the country unstable,for more,the unemployed farmers have become the society focus problems, many theorist and government have made high attention about the unemployed farmers.This paper is divided into 5 chapters.Chapter one is the design part,specifically including research background,the goal and significance,the domestic and foreign research tendency,research thought,research method and main innovation and so on. Chapter two introduces the study district pandect and the analysis specimen.Chapter three is the part of data and analyses,there are five parts,one is the seedling compensate standard with the unemployment in the langwan Chinese overseas Farm.Two is the compensate standard with the living posits.There is compensate in the old house rebuild,four is the jobs condition and living condition and others relating ensure.Chapter four is base in the first hand investigate data.We advanced to improve the unemployment live in Guangxi National Langwan overseas Chinese farm.Thus,we hare made some main countermeasure in this part.Chapter rive is base in the data of determine the nature and ration,we can conclude after follow,positing the unemployment in farm is the first progress of farmer's citizenship.Second,losing farm unemployment ware posited must set up the policy -precedence to take up an occupation.The third is the good or bad in position unemployment want to decide the success or failure in the overseas Chinese farm reform.excepting all of above,we need to study more about other problems.The innovation of this research is mainly shown as follows:The first using questionnaire survey and interview methods to investigate the unemployment in this farm. The second is the satisfaction degree in the compensating seedling to the unemployment in farm and the living posits compensate,the satisfaction degree in the old house rebuild standard.The viewpoint in the positing method,and the job and life situation after losing land,and what they request,and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:overseas Chinese farm, lose land employment, posit condition, countermeasures
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