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Research On Psychological Contract Of Service-oriented Enterprise's Staff

Posted on:2009-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242982689Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Structure of Psychological Contract is the current focus of academic research, scholars for the Psychological Contract an Empirical Study of the heart contract that the main structure of the existence of two kinds of two-dimensional and three-dimensional perspective. At the same time they also pointed out that psychological contract is a complex and subjective, individual, dynamic and psychological characteristics of the social structure, vulnerable to individuals, organizations, economic, political and cultural factors. In the past, on the psychological contract research come from the West, to domestic enterprises Structure of Psychological Contract little. Therefore China's enterprises psychological contract research staff should be more Chinese enterprises attach importance to staff psychological contract with the Western Psychological Contract staff of the differences from the facts of existing enterprises, employees found the structural characteristics of psychological contract. This paper targeted in the services sector in the domestic banking sector to choose the representative of the psychological contract structure has been useful to study through the exploration of the two samples and testing of the domestic service industry to the psychological contract structure, and fully taken into account domestic enterprises unique corporate culture, policies and systems, staff management strategies and tools and so on. The study can be further enriched domestic lease on the psychological theories and studies, and theory or empirical studies provide a basis for further empirical studies have some reference value. And services for enterprises, the service sector of the enterprise decision dependent on the performance of staff performance, and service enterprises psychological dimensions of the lease for improving staff performance has significant practical significance.In this study, we will take "explore - validation" research methods were from the Jilin branch of the Bank of Communications two samples for data analysis. On the first use of a sample analysis of the main components of the organizational responsibilities and staff responsibilities taken eigenvalue greater than 1 factor and the maximum variance factor rotation, receive psychological dimensions relate to the structure factor. However, such a structure is reliable, effective, and the other to the sample survey, which uses structural equation model of confirmatory factor analysis to carry out inspection. With LISREL models use confirmatory factor analysis of the first two samples for testing, confirmed that samples from the first to be a model of the structure of the availability of the first two sample data support.Research before the first inspection on a large number of domestic and foreign staff of the Psychological Contract research literature, through independent development in the form of questionnaires, with a production value of the service employees psychological contract scale. Scale design for a wide range of literature on the theoretical foundation, through Changchun four other bank staff to investigate, after small-scale tests, a project analysis and exploratory factor analysis methods to modify and adjust the scale, and then Cronbachаcoefficients reliability testing, and ultimately formed from the 45 that constitute the service-oriented enterprises Scale Structure of Psychological Contract. Respectively from the Bank of Communications and the two samples are taken for the study. One of the first sample, using factor analysis to explore the elements of the psychological contract by the structure factor dimensions. However, such a structure is reliable, effective, and the other to the sample survey, using structural equation model of confirmatory factor analysis to carry out inspection. After using LISREL models use confirmatory factor analysis of the first two samples for testing, model, the first confirmed two sample data support. Comparison, in four possible model, the three-dimensional model best fit index, is that the optimal three-dimensional model. In short, confirmatory factor analysis showed that psychological contract organizational responsibilities and staff responsibilities are dealing with responsibility, accountability and responsibility for development norms Three Dimensions of the conclusions of relatively stable, and more reliable. Conclusions of this study are the following:(1) In the staff of service company, there is a psychological contract in three-dimensional structure, that is, "responsibility" and "staff responsibility" in both exist and the responsibility, liability and responsibility for development norms three dimensions. Organizational responsibility of a dimension refers employees to work at the cost of duties, in exchange for organizations to provide the high remuneration and performance incentives; the economy is based on the exchange of contractual relations. Organization of responsibility by two dimensions refers to the staff to provide good working conditions, harmonious working environment, and improve the rules and regulations and equal treatment every employee. These responsibilities are business should be provided to employees of the normative responsibility. Organizational responsibility of three dimensions refer to the staff room for the development of the cause through study and training continuously improve the competency of staff levels, so as to the future career development staff to create the conditions of a contractual relationship.Responsibility of staff is a dimension for enterprise employees should perform a basic duty of the Organization of serious work return contractual relationship. The first responsibility of staff two dimensions means employees must comply with the rules, must be the work-related skills and quality. The first responsibility of staff three dimensions for the realization of the staff is the development of enterprises and the improvement of the ability of self-worth and self-expression, and then individuals made by the development of the cause of the extra effort.We can see that organizational responsibility and the responsibility of the content of employees showed a parallel relationship that is a particular aspect of the organization's responsibility necessarily exists in the same context the responsibility of the staff, which convincingly shows the psychological contract is on the staff Organization and the staff responsibilities and obligations between the belief systems. This result Rousseau (1996) and Lee (1999) proposed that the three-dimensional structure provides empirical support.(2) The structure of the psychological dimensions of the lease demographic variables in the study showed that differences: in the organization normative responsibilities, staff awareness of women is higher than that of male employees. In staff development responsibilities, staff awareness of male to female staff was significantly higher than that. This shows that female workers than male employees more concerned about the team harmony and organizational relationships. Development responsibilities in the organization, unmarried employees are higher than that of married employee's cognition. Unmarried workers compared to married employees have more self-control, the development of the cause for concern higher; they hope that business can provide to them more opportunities for development, as have some cause. Of different ages in the psychological contract staff in various dimensions shown that there has been no significant difference. Work Experience in the "1-3" of the organization's staff "responsibility for development" requirement is higher than "more than seven years" of the staff. College graduate employees for the degree of fulfilment of the responsibility identity was significantly higher than the undergraduate and master's education staff, and also higher than the secondary education level below employees, slightly higher than the undergraduate academic staff identity Master staff qualifications, staff qualifications Master identity minimum. As different nature of the work of different departments, different positions on the staff perception of psychological contract in the "organizational development responsibilities" and "staff development responsibilities" two dimensions shown significant difference, the branch staff by accounting for "responsibility for development "and" staff development responsibilities, "the highest recognition, and business staff for the Department of the identity of these two dimensions of the minimum. Found on lower-middle-income employees (between 1000 to 3000) for "transactions responsibility" and "the development of responsibility" to the highest level of recognition, and higher-income employees the responsibility for these two perform the minimum level of recognition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Service-oriented
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