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The Maritime Trade Of Zhangzhou In Global Context From The 15th To Early 17th Centuries

Posted on:2008-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242479575Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article outlines the emergence of individual overseas trade of Zhangzhou when the western colonist came eastward under the capitalism expansion in 15~17 century. It seeks to inquire the influence of Zhangzhou overseas trade in the global context.The introduction in the first chapter illustrates the purpose, outline, characteristics and contribution of the theme of this paper.The second chapter reviews and comments the present study on this theme in and out of China. And then bring forward my own opinion.The third chapter is divided into two parts and gives a brief introduction of the background in and abroad China in 15-17 century.The forth chapter includes three parts. The first part introduces the geographical position of Zhangzhou and the character of its people, which is one of the preconditions of Zhangzhou overseas trade development. The second part analyzes the emergence and development of Zhangzhou individual overseas trade in the 15-17 century in an all-around way. It was in the time when the sea route was opened and the colonist came eastward, so the overseas trade of Zhangzhou became an important part of the world trade network. The third part relates the relation of coastal pirates, maritime groups and Zhangzhou overseas trade.The fifth part is divided into two parts. The first part inquires how the Zhangzhou overseas trade impacts on emigration, its position and influence in the world trade network. The second part analyzes how it influenced the local economic and thoughts.The sixth part sums up the main points of the article and probes into the cause of the decline of Yue Gang.
Keywords/Search Tags:Global Context, Yue Gang, Individual Overseas Trade
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