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The Folklore Research Thought Of Sun Zuoyun

Posted on:2008-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X K YaoFull Text:PDF
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Sun Zuoyun is known as a famous scholar who has profound folklore knowledge about east and west, ancientry and modernity , and he also is a celebrated expert in folklore, folksy art and history in China. His academic researches touched upon a lot of fields and gained many achievement, consequently, he made himself had a distinctive contribution to chinese folklore development.He started China ancient myth legend research with"totem theory", in this way he used a polyangular study method which he had a wide-field view that give the first place to the ethnology and synthesize archaeology , ethnology, folklore and religion together , made a full-scale investigation about ancient Chinese totem society , and also restored the history of remote ancient ages and revealed the mystery of the myth. Meanwhile, he paid attention to the"Book of songs"in a folklore view which is a new comprehend way besides the traditional way, that is"folklore and ethnology"method. Furthermore , he explained the folklore quintessence of the fifteen love songs from the"Book of songs", and this have widen the fields and views of the"Book of songs"learning in some extent, enriched the significance, improved the knowledge and also have beneficial to history and culture study. In terms of archaeology, he took the means which comprehensively utilize the ancient etiquette, custom, stone portraits, gods and sprites in the tombs and myth legend to sought for Han dynasty's people's faith. This is a new cteation and promotion for the ethnology culture study which is just recorded by words.Sun Zuoyun's contribution to china folklore study not only embody on his distinctively pondering over the practice of Chinese traditional culture and the theory of Chinese folklore, but also on his strict spirit of pursuing knowledge and his sincerely aggitude and daring to open up newly study style. However, today's academic circles do not give his learnings enough importance and know noting about them. This article try to present his specific contributions to folklore field from three sides as follows: his researches about myth, the fifteen love songs from the"Book of songs"study and the cultural analysis about Han dymasty's portraits.This paper have four sections except the concluding remarks.Part One: Briefly introduce all Sun Zunyun's life and his scholarly learnings and then mainly make a unified arrangement and introduction about them.Part Two: Taking a study about myth legend from a point on"totem theory",mainly reveal Sun Zuoyun's mythology ideas and achievement from four areas:"totemnism study","get into recovering the ancient history from analyzing the mythes","use mythology way to explain the ancient auspicious signs","analyzing the'nuo'drama".Part Three: Learning the love songs in a folklore view . Firstly, Sun Zuoyun had expounded and proved these folklore behaviours such as love, offering Sacrifices to gods or ancestors, Fu Xi and amusement were exist in the"Book of songs"ages. Afterwards, he analyzed the text of the fifteen love songs of the"Book of songs"and demonstrated the love songs reflect the etiquettes and customs.Part Four: Cultural explanation about Han dynasty's portraits which is a sign of metaphor and symbol, which mainly reveal Sun Zuoyun's academic methods and thinking ways about his historical relic study. We consider this academic research methods are distinctively because they are new creations and promotions for our ethnology culture study just recorded by words.Concluding remarks: This part making a entire arrangement, conclusion and summary for Sun Zuoyun's attitude, method, and thinking angles in his folklore researches follow this three areas: his researches about myth, analyzing the text of the fifteen love songs from the"Book of songs", and the cultural analyzing about the portraits of Han dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sun Zuoyun, Folklore research thought
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