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On The Accountabilities Of Our Government In The Course Of The Privatization Of Public Utilities

Posted on:2008-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S F XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215493037Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The privatization of Public utilities is the inevitable trend of the development of Market Economy. By investigation, investment of public utilities in China is much less than any other more developed country. The idea that public utilities are public project and owned to the government has blinded up the people. It results in the investing trench slackly and structure capacity inadequately, function efficiency lowly etc. The shortage of public utilities has become the bottle-neck baffling urbanization. How to break up the valium to develop public utilities has become a hot topic discussed widely.The paper tries to claim the definition of public utilities and privatization. It also explains the theory foundation of public utilities. That is public choice theory, Principal-agent theory and new public administration. It discusses the background of the privatization of public utilities. The paper presents several common privatization modes and compares the advantages and disadvantages between them. The last Chapter of this paper begins with the government accountability under traditional modes and puts forward the accountabilities of government in the course of privatization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public utilities, Privatization, The accountabilities of government
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