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Research On Fnancial Rsk Cntrol In Eterprise Goup

Posted on:2007-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Within the globalization of economy the enterprise group plays a more and more important role. Especially in the market economy, the development of enterprise group not only has an influence on the benefit of itself but also on the economic strength and the international competitive of a country or region. With the enlargement of the organization scale of enterprise, the trend of enterprise group becomes an important step of the enterprise development. At the same time, the inappropriate of financial arrangement will produce the catastrophic aftermath. The finance arrangement involves the whole company as well as the long-term development of the company. The financial false of the enterprise group members and the false of its correlative activities will lead to the financial risk. This dissertation will discuss the financial risk management and control in enterprise group on the perspective of governance structure, organization structure and culture of enterprise group.The first chapter is"Summarization of financial risk management and control in enterprise group". Based on the reviewing the history of risk and risk management, I emphatically discuss the relation between risk management and value management, and then briefly introduce the status quo of financial risk management and control in china's enterprise group. The second chapter is"the framework design of financial risk control in enterprise group". I first introduce the characteristics and type of enterprise group. Then I analyze the factors might producing financial risk in enterprise group as well as its characteristics. In the end I discuss how to design a value-based control system of financial risk management in enterprise group.The third chapter is"the governance structure control of financial risk management in enterprise group". In this chapter, I first introduce the governance structure and its character in enterprise group, and then analyze the relation between the governance structure and financial risk management in enterprise group. Finally I discuss how to design a governance structure system to control the financial risk in enterprise group.The fourth chapter is"the organization structure control of financial risk inenterprise group". After analysis of the characteristic of organization structure in enterprise group and its match with financial control system, this chapter mainly discusses the organization structure system for controlling financial risk management in enterprise group.The fifth chapter is"the culture control of financial risk in enterprise group". The first I introduce the culture and its function in enterprise group, and then discuss the relation between the enterprise group culture and the governance structure and organization structure in enterprise group, then introduce the relation between culture and risk management, in the end, I discuss how to cultivate the enterprise group culture in order to control the financial risk management in enterprise group.
Keywords/Search Tags:Enterprise group, Financial risk, Structural control
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